Hunt Night by Cait

The Wylde Hunt

Sesshomaru snarled, prowling the treeline of InuYasha's forest. The full moon peaked behind dark clouds. His aura crackled about him, his hair whipped about his form. All living beings with survival instincts stayed clear in their dens and hollows fearful of the beast that was Sesshomaru. 

For tonight was Hunt Night. The night to hunt, to feast, to breed. To give in to your primal beast for one night and run free. One night of unchained, delicious madness. Yes, madness. Sweet, sweet madness.

He stops and leans back his head. And he roars his intent to the night. He is here. He is Master. And he is NOT happy. 


Snuggled in a sleeping bag lays a miko on high alert. She has just heard a fierce roar and it has scared the daylights out of her. Everyone else? Dead to the world. Of course she had to be the lightest sleeper on the planet. 

Crawling out of the bag, she grabs her shoes, flashlight and bow and arrows. Time to go investigate. Whatever made that noise could be coming to the village. 

Silent as a church mouse, she slips out of the hut and makes her way to the forest.


The great beast roaming the forest, also known as Sesshomaru, has found dinner. Also known as a group of bandits. He has changed into his beast form and stands above them. They throw insults at him. Slurs, curses, lies. 


Of your anger

Your ignorance

Your blindness

Your greed

Your progress

Your conquest

Your mania

Your need

Your sorrow

Your sickness

Your final, parting breath

Your hatred

Your bloodshed

Your future

Your death

I will have NONE.



Sesshomaru proceeds to devour them. Limb, from limb like the fairytales say. But unbeknowest to him, he has an audience. 


Kagome watched in horror as Sesshomaru became a creature of madness right before her very eyes. One after the other, the bandits went down into his gullet. She couldn't look away from the being she had come to admire, and call friend. Where was he? What had happened?!

She looked up into the sky and gazed upon a blood red moon. She turned to run. But she felt on her back the heat of warm breath.