Adrenaline by Bounce

Sky Diving

It had been two years since the well closed. Ever since then, Kagome had been somewhat of an adrealanie junkie. She missed the thrill of being around demons. She missed how her miko powers tingled. She missed that sudden fear...

Am I going to make it...


She loved and missed her friends. No one and nothing could take their places. Nothing could rival them. Nothing could completely fill the void.

She could bring back that rush..if only for a moment...

Bungie Jumping. Mountain climbing. Street Bikes. If it went fast, or flew high, she was there. It all came so, so close. In the end though, she was still left with an empty ache. As that rush faded away, her depression set back in.

It was her third time sky diving, and this time she would go by herself. No spotter.

It was almost like those times she free fell to InuYasha from Kilala's back. Or the many times she had been knocked through the air due to an attack.

Kagome was strapping herself in. After being double checked by the man on duty, she waited for her signal.

They hit the correct altitudeand she walked over to the hatch. Taking a deep breath, she nodded.

The man opened the hatch and she jumped.

Free falling was absolutely amazing. She closed her eyes and reminisced. She could almost hear her friends' voices.

Shippo, InuYasha, Miroku and Sango. Even Hatchi and Myoga. Kaeade. Rin. She heard Jaken's squawking and Ah-Un's snuffling.


Her reluctant friend.

She giggled upon hearing his voice more clearly than the others.

She could see the first time she free fell towards him, knowing that despite his appearances, he would catch her.

Odd though, that I can hear him more clearly than the others...


She deployed her parachute, realizing she was a few seconds late.

She hoped that it had been deployed early enough to at least let her survive with severe injuries.

Her inner eye flashed again back to Sesshoumaru.

"You idiotic onna! What do you think you are doing, Miko?" He growled at her.

"I knew you would catch me Sesshou."


She just smiled at him.


She looked to the rapidly approaching ground and braced herself.

She closed her eyes and prayed only her legs wouldbe injured.

She inhaled.


She felt as her body hit something solid.

Without opening her eyes, she released her breath.

Her parachute landed around her, and she was sure she had died. She wasn't in any pain. She must've been dead. That was the only logical explanation.

She opened her eyes to view her final resting place, and was met with golden orbs.

"Miko, what on Earth were you thinking?"


"Hn. Miko, you are alive. As am I."

"It's really you?"


