Welcome Back, Whisper! by DemonQueen17

Welcome Back, Whisper!

Disclaimer: I don’t own or make money off Inuyasha.

Note: These are my drabbles for the Welcome Back, Whisper Impromptu DDN.  You’ll also note that there’s a special guest appearance by my Dokugasona. Enjoy.

Welcome Back, Whisper!

Prompt: Whisper

As the Shikon Jewel was complete, Kagome could hear the whispers of the souls that comprised it, beckoning her to free them. She knew that Inuyasha wanted to wish Kikyo's life back, however, Kikyo was tired of a half-life and wanted to rest now that Naraku was defeated. But before she could find eternal rest, she embraced the hanyou once more and wanted Inuyasha to find happiness with someone who could love him for what he was as she never could.

She then turned to Kagome and returned the portion of her soul Urasue stole in order to resurrect her. With tears in her eyes, Kagome wished for the jewel's disappearance. No longer would the Jewel be used to harm others.

Prompt: Barrier

"Is that the best you can do, Inuyasha? This time, my barrier cannot be broken by that stick you call a sword."

"Shut up, you coward!"

"Hn." From his barrier, Naraku shot out a tentacle, knocking Inuyasha unconscious. Kagome calmly walked up to Naraku, easily broke through his barrier. Inuyasha regained conscious and couldn't believe what he saw; Kagome actually broke Naraku's new barrier as if it were made of glass and knocked the dark hanyou out cold with a reiki-powered fist.

She looked at the hanyou and shook her head. "This is how you break a barrier."

Prompt: Mistress

The young girl turned to the tall youkai. "Mistress Kagome will see you now." He nodded and entered the private room of Mistress Kagome. He was surprised to see a rather attractive woman with dark hair and hypnotizing blue eyes seated at a table.

"Come in, Sesshomaru. I've been expecting you."

Sesshomaru was inwardly shocked that she knew his name without it being mentioned. Mistress Kagome only smiled. "I'm sure you're surprised I know your name. I am a psychic after all. And I know your future will be fruitful and full of love." The young psychic stood, moved around the table and kissed him. "For I am the key to that love-filled, fruitful future."

Prompt: Innocent

A scream was heard in the village, followed by a hard slap. Miroku, pervert monk extraordinaire must have groped another village girl.

Sango and Kagome hated it when that happened. It was starting to annoy them both. Sango growled at this. "One of these days, his groping will get him killed."

"No kidding."

Miroku sat by the two women. "What are you two talking about?"

Another female scream was heard, followed by another hard slap. The two women became confused at Miroku's presence. Miroku raised his hands in defense. "What? I'm innocent."

Kagome stared at the monk. "If you're not groping those innocent women, then who is?"

They all turned to see an adolescent kitsune with handprints all over his face. "I only wanted to know what it was like to be Miroku."

Sango then slapped Miroku. Miroku put a hand to his cheek. "What was that for? I said I was innocent."

"That was for corrupting an innocent kitsune. Now he's become a pervert like you."

Prompts: Brain, Quiet, Hidden

A lone figure crouched in the bushes near the tachi, watching as everyone slept. It watched fervently Inuyasha and his ‘lover’ Kikyo embracing each other and gagged at the sight. Seriously, how could anyone stand being around a walking pot mixed with graveyard soil? It had to time this correctly. No matter what, that deluded hanyou would be free.

Sesshomaru caught the scent of the figure and looked in its direction. The figure swallowed the forming lump in its throat under his stare. He minutely nodded and pretended it was never there in the first place.

Quietly, it stood and crept closer to the hanyou and undead miko clone, with what looked like a fireplace poker in its hands. It raised the poker overhead and pounced on the unsuspecting ‘odd couple’ with a loud victory cry. “BANZAI!!!”

At the last possible second, Inuyasha grabbed Kikyo and jumped back as the figure slammed the poker down on the ground, creating a small crater. The hanyou was highly pissed. “What the hell? What are you trying to pull here? And who are you, wench?”

“Damn it! I missed.”

The smoke cleared to reveal a woman with shoulder-length brown hair with highlights, a rather voluptuous figure, hazel-green eyes, full lips, wearing a loose t-shirt, somewhat baggy jeans and sneakers. Kagome knew she was from her time. What set her apart were the bat-wings on just above her ears and a larger pair of bat-wings on her back.

Inuyasha resumed his interrogation of the new person. “I asked you who you are, wench.”

She turned to face the red-faced hanyou. “Baka, my name is not wench. It’s DemonQueen17, or DQ for short. Let me repeat it slowly so that you can understand, ok? It’s De-mon-Queen-se-ven-teen or D-Q.” Every syllable rewarded Inuyasha with a tap on the head with her poker before a harder swat. “Get it right.”

“Ow, I get it already. Now why are you here?”

“Oh, well, I wanted to see if Kikyo, being the walking, talking, clay figurine she is, could crack under a hard blow.”

This angered said clay figurine. “What did you just say, you…you…abomination?”

DQ had a malicious grin plastered on her lips. “Abomination? Funny you call me that when I’m living and breathing while you’re a humanoid Fabrege egg that holds innocent souls of dead women. Let’s see if you can crack, eh?” She started to slap the end of her poker on the palm of her right hand, stalking the doomed undead miko. Suddenly, her Shindamachu surrounded her, aiding in her escape.

Kikyo taunted the modern-day newcomer. “You can’t come after me now, can you?”

She only laughed. “These wings aren’t just for show, Fabrege egg-san. I’ll crack you in a bit.”

The hanyou growled. “No, you ain’t touching her.”

“Man, too many hits on the head must have broken your brain. You have no idea that this is for your own good. Just in case, I didn’t come alone.” DQ then whistled, summoning a muscular male with bunny ears. “This here is my plunny. He’s here to deal with you while I take care of business. Oh yeah, this is my most perverted plunny.” She turned to her plunny and smiled. “Sic ‘em!”

The plunny growled and pounced on Inuyasha. Inuyasha struggled but to no avail for the plunny was much too strong. “Get him off, get him off!”

“Nope, not until I’m done.” DQ turned to face Kikyo, opened her wings and flew after her. “Get back here, coward!”

The Shindamachuu only propelled their mistress faster with a flying crazed fangirl armed with a poker and a grin. Kikyo shot reiki-powered arrows, only for them to be batted away with that accursed poker. DQ flew faster, raised her poker and gave it the hardest downward swing she could muster, hitting her target down her back. Kikyo’s body cracked into many pieces, releasing the souls she had stolen to sustain her half-life, making Kagome’s soul whole once more.

“Well, what do ya know. She really did crack.” With that, she shrugged and returned to camp to find a distraught hanyou, a drooling and unconscious monk, a ticked-off demon slayer, and a happy modern-day miko with her equally satisfied taiyoukai mate. The plunny released Inuyasha and disappeared, leaving him to grieve his first love. One could only imagine the things it did to him while she was off chasing Kikyo.

DQ could only sit beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. “I was only doing this for your own good. You can’t have a present or a future if you keep yourself stuck in the past, ya know. There are plenty of live females out there to choose from.”

Kagome couldn’t contain herself. “I can’t thank you enough. Will we be seeing you again?”

The fangirl stood up and yawned. “I don’t know. It’s been fun. As much as I would like to stay, I can’t. I have work in the morning and have to get ready for bed. So, night peeps. And tell that pervert the only one who will bear his children is right in front of his face when he wakes up.” With that, she opened up a portal and disappeared through it, not noticing the blush on Sango’s cheeks.

Kagome smiled as DQ left. “That went well.”

Sesshomaru was equally satisfied. “Indeed.” He looked down to his Bakusaiga missing. There was only one person who had it. “DQ!!!”

Somewhere in modern-day New York, a fangirl lovingly held the real Bakusaiga. “Oooh, I can’t believe I have the real Bakusaiga. I can’t wait to tell the rest of Dokuga about this. They’ll never believe it. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”

Prompt: Papasan

Kagome silently cursed the papasan in front of her and its current occupant. It seemed to draw everyone in and cast some kind of sleeping spell on anyone who sat on it. It was absolutely insane. The miko was contemplating burning the papasan from hell, but the true owner would be absolutely furious. With a devious grin, she silently tipped the papasan over, causing its occupant to roll and hit his head on the floor.

The former occupant of the papasan was now awake and pouting, rubbing his forehead. “Ow. You didn’t have to do that, Kagome.”

“I’m sorry, Shippou, but I just couldn’t resist.”

That’s it. I’m done. WELCOME BACK, WHISPER!! Later. ^_^