Disclaimer: DO NOT OWN! NO SUE!
a/n: This is for SilverontheRose's Mating with MokoMoko Challenge http://dokuga.com/forum/29-challenges/53078-mating-with-mokomoko-challenge#54236
The day she had been waiting her whole life for was tomorrow. The grounds of the shiro were buzzing with anticipation for the momentous ceremony that would be taking place in the beautiful, lush gardens of the Western Lord. The staff were running around, making sure every little detail was perfect. They did not want to anger their Lord, for that would result in a massacre.
While everyone else around her was busy with something, Kagome was bored to pieces. This didn't bode well for her already fluttering stomach. She didn't know what to expect from the ceremony. Nobody, not even her intended, had given her any idea of what was to come. So, of course, she began to think of all the horrible things that she could be put through. Each scenario got worse and worse in her mind, until she was hyperventilating in fear. Sensing her distress, her handmaiden tried to reassure her of how honorable their Lord was, that he would never do anything to dishonor her or his lineage.
After much coaxing, and a good soak in her private hotsprings, Kagome was slumbering peacefully.
The next morning, she awoke to the flurry of several handmaids bustling around her room. As she stirred, they pulled her up and began getting her ready for the biggest event since the day Sesshoumaru fullfilled his rites of passage and became an adult. That was also the day they had been introduced to MokoMoko-sama.
Kagome had heard many glorious tales of that fluffy entity since she and Sesshoumaru had started courting. One in particular that she recalled Jaken proudly telling was of the daring rescue of a newborn dragon youkai hatchling. The poor thing had only just gotten it's head out of it's egg, when it was jostled out of the nest and began falling towards the chasm below. The ever alert being that he is, MokoMoko-sama launched himself from Sesshoumaru's shoulder just in the knick of time to the wrap himself around the egg, cushioning the impact from the fall. The mother was so thankful that she had blessed the whole of the Western Lands to never experience a drought, so that it would further flourish in the many years to come.
To further honor his fluffy companion, Sesshoumaru had made a secret pact. He had promised MokoMoko-sama that when the time came for him to take a mate, he would not only make him the personal guardian of her and their progeny; he would also allow him the honor of also creating a child with his mate, should he have not found a mate of his own by then. Although quite the pervy little fuzzball, MokoMoko-sama was not the best with the ladies, and so he was still mateless to this day.
With the upcoming ceremony, Sesshoumaru was becoming very agitated, not that one would know with his infamous mask in place. As he watched over the last minute preparations being made, he ran his fingers through MokoMoko-sama's soft fur. It eased his nerves, as always, to feel the silky hairs against his palm. He was extremely nervous about his fiery, soon-to-be mate's reaction to not only the rituals involved with the ceremony, but also about the pact he had made on that fateful day. He was sure to soon find out.
The first ritual of the day was the self cleansing ritual. It was to wash away anything negative from the life prior, so that they could be completely and wholly consent to the union. They entered the river on opposite sides, so that neither would be washed with the others negativity. Kagome blushed from head to toe as the elder on her side lowered her into the cool waters. Sesshoumaru, of course, was unaffected by having to be nude in front of the elders. His bare feet, with perfectly pedicured claws, floated to the surface as he was laid onto his back in the river.
Now free of all negativities, the pair were dressed in their formal kimonos for the next ritual. The next ritual would be quite like a human wedding ceremony, with an excessive amount of extravagance. All of the youkai elders, lords, and numerous others were in attendence for this part of the ceremony. Here, they would pray to the gods for a fruitful union. They would also voice their commitments in regards to the well being of their mate and any future children for all to witness.
To officialize the union, they were required to consummate it immediately following the lush ceremony. Most of the guests headed into the ballroom for some spirits and socializing, while about a dozen of the elders and lords were escorted to witness the fulfillment of the mating. MokoMoko-sama would have the best seat in the room, of course, since he would be in the midst of it. As he was to not only be her personal guardian, but would also be having young of his own with the powerful little miko, he would play a key part in all the fun.
To get her to loosen up, he was wrapped around her waist. As they headed towards the room, he slipped himself between the layers of her kimono and brushed himself across each of her breasts, being sure to give each nipple a flick. She gasped, and he took that moment to slink the other end of his body inside of her kimono and down to rub against her clit. As he did, she tensed at first, but after a few languid strokes, she loosened up. At this point, they had finally made it to the room. All of the witnesses were already in there, waiting. Sesshoumaru guided her to the center of the room, where there were cushions and beautiful, soft furs for them to lay on. He removed her kimono first, making sure to adjust the fluffy pervert as he did. Once she was bare, he quickly removed his own clothing and lowered them to the floor.
Sesshoumaru made sure she was ready, before entering her swiftly. In the end, he felt this would cause her the least amount of pain. He held still while she tensed at the pain of the intrusion, and waited for her to be ready to continue. When she was, he began rocking his hips, slowly building their desires. When he had reached a plateau in his quest for completion, he pulled out and flipped her over onto her hands and knees. This also gave MokoMoko-sama the chance to do his part of this. He wrapped himself around Sesshoumaru's turgid flesh, just before it was slammed back inside the velvety heaven.
Once inside, he stretched himself out until he could touch her cervix on each stroke. He then started tickling and massaging it in sequence. This caused it to dialate, in addition to making her even more slick. It was almost time. As the couple came to completion and Sesshoumaru's knot formed inside her, MokoMoko-sama slipped out of her, and wrapped himself around the new mates.
With the deed done, the witnesses left the room and headed to the ballroom to announce the mating officially, and then join in the celebrations. An hour or so later, the freshly bathed and dressed couple joined everyone else in the ballroom, which signaled that it was time for the feast to begin.
a/n: I am not entirely happy with this story... but I may just be a horrible judge of my own work. Please review and let me know what you think!