Of Desired Lovers by Mishikaiya


She approached the leather-bound book steadily, a curious look upon her face. The collection of love poems had been a birthday gift from her over-enthusiastic friends. All three insisted that Kagome should learn a thing or two from the printed words. The hardcover had been accumulating dust for the past week, idly adorning Kagome’s desk.

Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri had all shared their enthusiastic praise for this particular bestseller of poetry. It was the first time that these poems had been printed and available to the masses. The numerous writings had been gathered over the last few hundred years, all having been written within a particular family. No names were disclosed besides that of the “author”. He had stated that some of the poems included were indeed his own while all others were those of his kin. He had inherited all of these tales a couple decades ago and, after having sifted through them all, decided to share his family’s most private feelings with every other lost, lonely, longing soul.

As Kagome studied the leather covering, she traced the crescent moon on the cover. “It’s exactly like Sesshoumaru’s...”, she murmured to herself. Her eyes lingered along the title, Of Desired Lovers. Kagome gave the compilation a small smile. She certainly had experience in that department. The author’s name was what stopped her short, her smile fading into a quiet gasp of surprise. Her eyes re-read the name again, just to be sure. But as true as the first time her brain had registered the combination of those letters, the meaning of those words, the author’s name remained Sesshoumaru Taisho and the Family of the West.


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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