Blood Stained by Madison


A/N: Some people said that I should turn my blood lust one shot into a chapter story. 

Yes there will be rape in this story. About 3 or 4 times, and the chapters are marked. This story though is not focus on rape. It will be a very emotional story, and no falling in love as he rapes her because he's so good. Dont expect the love story to easily come around.

The first 20ish chapters are not beta-ed, I'm sorry for that. But, Daniella is currently going over them (thank god for her!) so please, as English is my second language, for the first 20 chapters, overlook the mistakes! They will be fixed soon!

Blood Stained

Chapter 1: Encounter

The setting sun slowly began to paint the sky crimson. Soon, the night fell and an icy breeze shook the leaves that barely hung from the trees. Fall was fast approaching and the nights became cooler and darker. The subtle feeling of death and despair ravaged the land below the sky.

Kagome sat on the edge of her bed while fighting to keep her eyes open. Her energy was completely drained and remaining awake required tremendous efforts. Her sudden tiredness was caused by the increase in youkais that roamed in the Feudal Era. She was forced to battle on her own more often than usual which resulted in a constant use of her powers.

The closer the jewel was to completion, the more evil beings emerged from hiding in the hope of snatching the few remaining shards. Unfortunately, time was not on their side and it took Kagome quite a lot of begging to convince Inuyasha to let her go home. She understood his reasoning, and whining, but she wished he was able to understand that she had a life on the other side of the well.

In spite of that fact, asking for a day off for an algebra test while Naraku prepared for battle was a bit insignificant.

Then again, she was not going to completely forget about her family and the old life she had in the Modern era.

Her schoolwork suffered the most from her time traveling habits. Considering the fact that her acceptance into high school was a miracle, she doubted her last year was going to end well. She kept bothering Inuyasha about her exams and her insane amount of studying but at this point she wondered why she even troubled herself. Despite how hard she tried she failed each time.

There was however still a bright side to this whole situation; she was able to take a proper bath and obtained some relaxation. She did feel a bit of guilt when she thought about her friends who were not given the same privileges. At least unlike them she had a place to run to where she could escape the horror and where she was shielded from Naraku and youkais since they did not exist in her time.

A sigh rolled off her lips; sitting there, feeling bad about it would not get her back faster.

Without a second thought, she shoved her pajama in her big yellow bag.

Come on, one last push.

If it was not for Inuyasha and his tantrums she probably would have at least spent the night. Not because she desperately wished for a full night of sleep in her own comfortable bed but because of her family. Each time it was getting harder to ignore the longing looks her mother would throw her way every time she was getting ready to disappear through the well.

Of course her mother would never stop her but it did not mean that she did not worry for her safety. Kagome could not help biting her lip; would she been torn between two families and two worlds her entire life?

Kagome shook her head softly, before deciding enough time was wasted on useless thoughts. She did this for over two years now and one night of deep thinking would not change anything. She threw her bag over her shoulder, a sad smile on her face. She headed downstairs where her mother was waiting for her. Contrary to her daughter's, her mood seemed extremely bubbly and bright.

A true smile adorned her face while glancing at her daughter who was painfully coming down the stairs with her heavy bag. She was well aware of her daughter's inner pains and struggles, which was why every time she did her best to cheer her up.

Kagome had a greater destiny than any of them and she would not get in the way of that. Instead, she would always be there to show her support.

Mrs. Higurashi walked closer to her daughter and helped her with her bag by lifting it by the handle. "Already all packed?" she asked with a sweet smile.

Kagome could not help but ponder if her mother was hiding her pain. Never, not even when her father died, did her mother show any kind of sign that she was suffering, at least not in front of her children. Sometimes it was hard to determine how she truly felt.

"Sorry I can't stay very long, mom," Kagome said as she offered her an apologetic smile. Words would never be enough.

Miyu shook her head softly. "Don't be sorry, Kagome. They need your help over there."

She was extremely proud of all the work her daughter did on the other side of the well and all the innocent people she saved. Kagome was still so young, yet she accomplished more than most people in their lifetime. Mrs. Higurashi knew it a arduous task to live a double life and lie to everyone the way she did. Lies were always bound to trouble one's soul.

Kagome's heart squeezed in pain while she looked at her mother. She chased it aside knowing she needed to be strong. For her mother's sake, Kagome tried to brighten her expression and smile at her. After everything she did for her, the last thing she deserved was her concern and tears.

"I'll try to come back soon."

Her mother nodded, her smile never fading and her eyes glistened as if they were wet. With one last look, Kagome grabbed her bag from her mother before waving at her. Her head up high, she started to walk in direction of the well before the nightfall.

Kagome was aware that they would not begin traveling tonight but Inuyasha was one to wake up bright and early in the morning. The earlier she came back, the more sleep she was likely to obtain. Also, it would lessen the amount of whining from Inuyasha. If she did not return too late, he might not complain about the amount of hours they lost because she went home.

Once she finally reached the well, she put both of her hands on the edge of it before jumping in, traveling five hundred years into the past.

Relief took over her body once her feet touched the bottom of the well, letting her know she arrived on the other side. Kagome lifted her head up slightly and expected to see Inuyasha's hand. Instead, she was graced with emptiness. She rolled her eyes, assuming he was still mad about her leaving. He could be so immature and stubborn sometimes. Jerk.

She sighed heavily before grabbing one of the vines and making her way up. Kagome did not require his help. She could do it on her own! After all, before he started walking her to the well every time and picking her up, she was just fine without his help.

As Kagome arrived at the top, she exhaled heavily, completely exhausted and sweaty. She then proceeded to throw her bag on the ground before pulling herself out of the well with a tight hold on the wooden edge. Her eyes darted around, still searching for Inuyasha but once again she was struck by his missing presence.

Kagome assumed he would have enough decency to wait around the well. Even if it was only to yell at her and complain about how slow she was.

For the first time since she landed in the Feudal Era, anxiety filled her.

What if something happened? Maybe Naraku attacked while she was gone?

Then she felt it.

A shard.

Kagome's heart immediately began to beat faster. The remaining shards could be counted on one hand and every single one of them was precious. It was then that it hit her; the reason why Inuyasha was not present was perhaps because he was after the shard. He could not feel them like she could, but a youkai, or Naraku, might have come and taunted him away with a shard.

Inuyasha was so hot headed that he probably went for it without thinking twice about it. Fear clouded her mind as she instantly started to run in direction of the shard, not wondering if it was safe or not to go off on her own.

The more Kagome ran towards the shard, the further it seemed to go; that or she was extremely slow. After fifteen long minutes of running, she could not help but be out of breath. Kagome stopped in her tracks and pressed her body against a tree, as she tried to regain some energy. She was not used to covering long distances on foot since Inuyasha usually carried her.

This only helped to remind her just how out of shape she was and how she needed to stop depending on Inuyasha so much.

As she enjoyed a small break she was hit by a thought; she should have ran into Inuyasha by now. Also, he should have caught her scent by now. She could not help but bit her bottom lip as another thought came through. Did she run into the unknown assuming Inuyasha would come along? She cringed and resisted the urge to smack herself. How could she be such a reckless idiot?

At the time it seemed like a good idea, but now Kagome seriously doubted herself. She glued her lips together and turned her head around frantically trying to identify her surroundings. Now not only was she an idiot, but also she was also lost in the middle of the forest, all by herself.

It seemed that somewhere between running toward the shard and her horrible sense of direction, she found herself in new territories or at least unfamiliar ones.

At least she had her bow and arrows.

When reaching out and feeling the empty air behind her head, Kagome realized that with all this, she forgot her bow was in Kaede's hut. Damn it. Why did that sound so typical of her?

Great, as if she did not have enough problems already, she was now an unarmed, completely alone, miko lost in the middle of the forest. Oh, and on top of that, she had absolutely no idea who or where her enemy was. For all she knew, this was a trap to lure her away from her friends and she walked right into it.


She was more intelligent than this and she should have known better! Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of what could happen to her. But that was not the worst part. Kagome hated her current situation because she disliked how weak it made her appear.

She knew how Inuyasha perceived her, or the way he would subtly compare her to Kikyo and her amazing powers. It was true she made an extremely bad first impression since she was the one who broke the jewel, but still, since then she matured and changed.

Kagome was not the little fifteen years old girl who fell down the well two years ago who could not even shot an arrow. Kagome was now a grown woman, with more power, but what she did had no importance since it seemed Inuyasha would never see her as a powerful Miko.

In his eyes, Kagome would never be as strong as his Kikyo and she would always require his protection, night and day. Even when she tried to fight on her own, he'd simply push her out of the way. But of course, if the perfect Kikyo told him to get lost because she did not need his protection, he wouldn't argue with her twice and he would simply give her all the room she required.

The woman was made out of freaking clay for crying out loud. Clay!

Kagome sighed heavily before slowly dropping down to her knees. The earth felt cool against the heated skin as she dug deeper with her forehead resting against a hard tree trunk. Why did she hurt herself like this? Why did she let Inuyasha treat her like she was worthless?

She did sit him every time he was being a jerk, but somehow that was not enough. No matter what she did, she could not severe the link between him and Kikyo. What was it about that woman that he simply could not overlook? It was as if once he latched onto her, he was never able to let go.

Before Kagome could stop herself, she felt tears stinging her eyes and threatening to fall. She did not wish to do this to herself and she promised she would not waste any more tears on him. Although she was grown up, her childish love crush on Inuyasha remained. It did not matter how badly he treated her, she couldn't stop her feelings and she couldn't prevent herself from loving him. She loved him with all her heart, but she knew Inuyasha would never feel for her as much as she did for him.

Too much of his heart belonged to a dead woman.

For Inuyasha, she would probably give her life away while his soul belonged to Kikyo. It was hardly fair but then again life was not.

Suddenly, Kagome was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of crackling branches. She immediately raised her head high and scanned the area around her, trying to detect a familiar aura. Kagome began to feel nervous as she wondered who was there; could it be Naraku?

If it was indeed Naraku, she did not have much time to make an escape. She immediately rose up to her feet as gracefully as she could ready to run away as fast as possible. The first time she run towards the danger, but this time she was not as oblivious and knew her friends were not there to fight with her.

Also, she was in no way equipped to fight whoever was lurking in the shadows and running was her only option. She could only hope that she would be able to make it to safety before whatever caught her.

Perhaps with some luck maybe Inuyasha would actually be around this time.

It killed her that she had to run away like a coward, but there was no way she could risk fighting with bare hands. It was true that she did possess some kind of purification powers, but she never had a chance to train them. She did master the bow and arrows, but unfortunately she did not have that weapon with her at the moment.

The bow was much easier to wield than her actual power, which require much more practice and meditation; she didn't have the time for any of these. But, she always had a chance to try to shoot an arrow. Practice and mastery came naturally over the years.

As she ran, Kagome turned her head and glanced back to try and catch a glimpse of her opponent. If only she could stumble onto a familiar face –heck even Kouga! The knowledge of someone else being around would make her feel safer. Since Kagome wasn't looking in front of her, she became distracted and her coordination greatly suffered from her lack of attention.

As expected, she suddenly tripped over a branch.

The impact came quickly and painfully and before Kagome could protect her head, it was smashed against a rock. The hit was so unexpected that for a second, Kagome did not feel it. She had to blink a few times for the pain to make its way to her brain. As soon as it hit her, Kagome's head violently began to throb. She managed to get on four with her blurry vision.

She succeeded in raising a shaky hand to her head and rubbed it slightly as she could feel a headache coming. Slowly, her vision cleared up, but the pain refused to cease.

As she removed her hand from her forehead, she felt something thick going down her arm. She yanked her arm around before she realized it was blood. No need to panic, its just blood. You've seen blood before. She pulled her arm closer to her body and saw the huge amount of blood on her palm going down her wrist and to her elbow.

She obtained worse injuries on her arm in the past, causing her to still be extremely calm. The resolution to not panic however left her mind quickly when she felt the blood sliding down her cheek.

How hard did I hit myself?

Obviously, she was a little more concerned about her head injury than the wound on her arm. Nevertheless, neither of these were her priority at the moment since her situation just got more complicated. The scent of her blood would surely attract youkais and she needed to leave now or they would turn her into their midnight snack.

She scrambled around for a few seconds before she managed to make it on her own two feet. Even though she still felt extremely dizzy from the hit, she immediately started to run again. In addition, she could see ahead of her that the forest was ending soon.

Once she took the first step, she was made aware of the pain in her right leg.

A sharp, breathe-taking agony ran through her whole body, giving her cool chills, as she put down all her weight on her injured leg. The wound from her head distracted her from any other kind of pain and she failed to notice the state of her leg.

I can do this. Kagome winced at every step she took, but she kept on running –well wobbling.

She needed to push her pain aside, or she might not make it; her adrenaline was the main reason why she could still run.

Kagome felt extremely relieved when she began to get closer to the end of the forest, hoping to be safe. After all, she couldn't be that far from Kaede's village. If she could only last a few more minutes, she would mostly be out of harm ways.

Of course, all of this was before she ran into a brick of wall.

It was only once her ass hit the ground, for the third time in the last five minutes, that Kagome reminded herself that she was in the Feudal Era and in the middle of the forest, which meant there was no brick wall.

Her lips tightly glued together, Kagome raised her up, terrified, only to see the last person she would ever expect –Sesshomaru.

She blinked a few times, just to assure herself he was the one standing in front of her. S Sesshomaru wasn't regularly around these parts of the lands and running into him was a rare occurrence. To be honest, they did not see him and his pack in months.

Also, for her defense, he did look quite different from usual. His eyes were the first change she noticed; they were crimson and seemed much larger than what she remembered. There was a purple fume surrounding him and his aura was much different. It didn't smell nor feel as though it was him at all.

His prominent fangs were sticking out of his mouth and she couldn't chase the feeling that he was staring at her as if she were a piece of meat. "S-Sesshomaru?" She managed to inquire while hiding her surprise.

Kagome gazed around, trying to see whether Jaken and Rin were with him but he was alone.

Unfortunately for her, Sesshomaru did not reply and he simply kept glancing down at her, which crept her out. She was aware that Sesshomaru was never the talking type of youkai, but there was this unusual look about him, which was why she hoped to get an answer from him.

Come on say something, she thought when the silence kept on stretching.

Then out of the blue, he emitted what sounded like a growl, but a blood thirsty one.

Surely, Sesshomaru wouldn't eat her right? They weren't friends – or anything that came close to it – but still. He did not tried to kill Inuyasha in years. Why would he waste his time on her? He was just angry about something and he stumbled onto her, right? She was just at the wrong place at the wrong time…. Right?

Maybe he was hunting? That would surely explain his eyes and his behavior; the only other time she saw him with eyes like this, it was in his father's tomb, seconds before he transformed into a giant dog. The red eyes situation was probably a demon thing that happened when they were hunting, or when all of their senses were on alert.

Sesshomaru growled again, much louder this time.

After a few seconds, in which he did nothing but stare at her, this feeling crept up inside of her and Kagome just knew she had to go for it, so while she was still on the ground, she turned her back to him and managed to crawl away from Sesshomaru. In her mind, the more distance between them, the better.

Sadly, Sesshomaru cut her escape short. Kagome was unable to stop the gasp from escaping her lips as se felt him pull her back by yanking her leg.

Maybe this was a bad idea after all. The thought that the position she was in might have tickled his senses never crossed her mind. The only thing she thought of was escaping. It seemed her brain was prone to stupid decisions today.

Afterwards, everything went too fast for her to take conscience of what was happening.

One second she was on the ground and then the next she was trap between a tree and Sesshomaru's chest. It was so tight that she could feel her own chest being compressed far more than it should. Her eyes were tightly close as she was trying to breathe, but unfortunately for her he was making that a rather impossible task.

Kagome was afraid that if she opened her eyes, she would see a blood thirsty monster ready to rip her head off and eat her. Come on you can do this.

It took only a few more seconds for their eyes to lock in, as if he was longing for her to look at him. Although he still had that killer look in his eyes, Kagome couldn't help the blush that decorated her cheeks. She was never close like this with Sesshomaru before and it was embarrassing. This was what she called too close for comfort.

Kagome, this is not time to have these kinds of thoughts.

What was wrong with her? She couldn't possibly be focusing on the proximity right now, when he was seconds away from killing her! She could agree that he looked decent, but it she was in no way interested in Sesshomaru. Maybe if he had cute ears like Inuyasha. He was cold-hearted and usually didn't give a damn about humans, nor other living being.

Soon, she was brought out of her thoughts when Sesshomaru slightly tilted his head and approached his face from hers. Oh Kami, don't tell – no he wouldn't. Sesshomaru would never kiss me. It must be the hit to my head. He despised humans; she was surprised he was this close to her to begin with. Usually he didn't appreciate the mix between youkais and humans.

But, Kagome was right; Sesshomaru wasn't going for her lips. Something else was tempting him and causing his beast to come out in such a savage manner. He put one of his hands on the side of her head and turned it a bit to give himself better access. Kagome closed her eyes, waiting for him to rip her head off, or take a bite out of her. I should have stayed home.

Then, Kagome felt his warm tongue licking the side of her head.

Sesshomaru was licking the blood on her head?

She was not even sure what her reaction was supposed to be. This was unexpected. However, Kagome was quite happy her head was still attached to her body and that no body part was missing. She was about to sigh in relief when she realized that if he were after her blood, it could lead to nothing good for her.

Oh Kami, I don't want to die.

She knew the wolves used to eat humans, but did all youkais do so? She doubted Sesshomaru ate humans; after all he had Rin under his care. He wouldn't keep a human so close if they were his source of nutrients.

Sesshomaru seemed to be completely ignoring her and her dilemma as he kept lapping her blood. After a few more licks, he pulled away from he, and she noticed the look in his eyes grew angrier, or at least, the color of his eyes intensified. Fear wrapped itself around her heart and she knew she had to do something.

Kagome tried to wriggle out of his hold, but it was useless; his hold on her was unbreakable. No matter how much she tried to move, he was tightly keeping her in place, completely trapped. She was aware that she could probably try to use her Miko powers, but it would lead her nowhere.

She would maybe consider it as a last minute resort if he did attempt to kill her, but for now, she would not. After all, she did not have great powers yet and she probably couldn't even harm a youkai as powerful as him. She imagined he would feel a small tingle, but nothing else.

Moreover, that might anger him and she wanted to avoid that at any cost. Yes, it would be a very last resort. Maybe to obtain just enough time to distract him, so she could try and…outrun him? Ugh.

Sesshomaru moved his hands down and then wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up so that her knees were up to his face. He buried his nose in the crook of her knee and sniffed in the scent of her blood, the crimson color in his eyes deepening. She could feel the vibration going through his chest as he growled.

Kagome was shaking slightly, but surprisingly it wasn't from fear. She wasn't quite sure where the feeling originated from, but she couldn't help herself. She was so inexperience and this was truly affecting her body.

She gasped as she felt Sesshomaru's tongue on her cool skin and she threw her head back a bit, feeling a rush of blood going to her face. This was not happening.

He started to lick all the blood that was on her leg, from her knee all the way up to her thigh. She heard him growl as he reached the cut and he began sucking the blood out of it. Then, his warm tongue kept working his way up, looking for more blood. The more Sesshomaru tasted her body, the redder her cheeks became.

She should wiggle out of his hold, but she was frozen in place.

Kagome held her breath as she felt his tongue getting closer to her womanhood. Her blush only grew wider; she never had such an experience with a man before and Kami she'd never thought it would be with Sesshomaru, especially when he was in such a state. She bit her bottom lip, praying he would stop. This was in no way her idea of a first fooling around, especially not if it involved him.

She was usually so eager to yell and fight her way through everything, yet she found herself extremely powerless at the moment. Powerless and voiceless. She almost blamed it on her shock. This was so out of character coming from him that she was almost wondering if she weren't unconscious and dreaming from the hit to her head.

Kagome pondered if there was something she could do; she wanted to push him away, but it would be in vain. She wasn't even sure he was aware of his own actions, because if someone would never get involve in such a way with a human. Kagome was certain that he would rather die than pick up his father's trait about humans.

"Sesshomaru?" she tried, but again, no response. Just a growl.

Then, the unexpected happened; Kagome felt Sesshomaru bury his nose in her core through her underwear, almost pushing it inside. Kagome gasped in surprise while her eyes grew wide open. The feeling caused a throbbing throughout her whole body and her body temperature rose.

Oh my - Her blush was covering her whole face and she felt her body being lite up on fir. Although she was shocked, the growls coming out of his throat were causing a vibration in her womanhood and it wasn't unpleasant.


Kagome knew for a fact this wasn't Sesshomaru's usual voice. She realized she should be scared, but she couldn't help the feeling of arousal that took over her mind and soul.

There is no way I'm getting excited by Sesshomaru.

Again, she tried to wriggle free, but nothing happened. All her thoughts went down the drain when she felt his tongue pressing on her core, wetting her underwear. As he kept licking, Kagome pinched her lips together trying to refrain herself from making any noises she'd regret. This is not happening.

Then, she felt Sesshomaru's claw on her skin, working its way up, and she shivered in pleasure. He put his digit inside her underwear, so he could lift it and slid a finger under the fabric, parting it slightly. When his claw brushed against her sensitive clit, Kagome couldn't stop the moan that escaped her lips. Tears stung her eyes, as she felt shameful for her own body's reaction.

Then time froze, and Sesshomaru stopped moving.

Kagome, who was still breathing fast, peered down at him, wondering why he had stopped. All she found was two amber eyes staring back at her. If that wasn't enough to scare her, the trance look he had about him was also gone. Before she could even open her mouth, she felt herself being dropped to the ground –her ass was getting sore. When she opened her eyes, after blinking for a mere second, Kagome found herself staring at nothing.

Sesshomaru was gone.

Confused and her body still a little hot from the encounter Kagome, ran her hand through her hair. The Miko could feel the blood under her fingers, which had dried in her hair, making it crusty. It seemed the great Sesshomaru had missed a spot. Kagome simply remained in her sitting position, more confused than ever.

What in the world just happened?
