Chemical Reaction by Angelic Memories

Mending the Broken

I have finally gotten around to another chapter of this story. This is a response to katlady's random challenge.

This entry's theme: Witch Doctor

Minimum 800 words and Maximum 1500 - Words used 999

Summary: Sesshomaru takes Kagome to a witch doctor and she proves she can handle her fears.


Mending the Broken

Kagome groaned as she rubbed the pain throbbing in her buttocks. Being tossed to the ground roughly was not the ideal way for the inu to win her over if that was indeed what he was trying to do. For a little over half an hour they travelled through the air. The miko grumbled under her breath about being ignored. Just because she was female everyone was always thinking she didn't have the right to know anything. However the next time she saw Sesshomaru in his humanoid form she was going to give him a piece of her mind.

Of course that time came and went in a matter of seconds and in the dark she was left to wonder what was going on. Barely able to see a thing, she managed to make out two auras, one she didn't know and the other belonging to Sesshomaru.

"What's going on?" Kagome whispered when she felt the inu's presence draw closer to her right side before helping her onto her feet. "Where are we?"

A hiss finally broke the silence that answered her questioned. In an instant her head snapped to the direction and she noticed two bright red eyes flickering through the darkness. She knew the being was youkai and as a magical light brightened the area she could see the features marking her as a snake.

"Ahh!" Kagome's high pitch scream reverberated off the cave walls while she dodged around Sesshomaru and hid. "Please Sesshomaru I swear I will do anything you ask."

Amused the inu stepped to the side, as difficult as it was, to allow the snake full view of the miko. His beast was pleased with her actions. She didn't even know her role and was already acting appropriately.

"Natsumi," he rumbled deeply, "is a witch doctor. She will be capable of healing your arm faster than normal means. We can cut the vile coloured rock around your arm."

The miko attempted to slide away from the serpent as the youkai near. It was evident to Sesshomaru that she had some irrational fear of snakes. To him it was entertaining to watch the woman nevertheless he growled at the witch doctor who sighed and morphed into her humanoid form.

"Come young one, I won't bite, or S-s-sesshomaru-s-s-sama will have my head," the youkai cooed innocently.

Kagome shook her head still attempting to maintain a distance and playing Sesshomaru in the middle. At long last the inu resolved the issue by reaching around and grasping the miko's arm. With a firm tug he brought her forward and, to prevent herself from falling flat on her face, Kagome took a hesitant step forward.

The sudden clatter forced Kagome's attention to her now cool arm. A quick well aimed swipe of claws released the plaster cast and it fell to the cavern floor. The serpent youkai stepped forward to gain a better look.

"Hm, you heal quite fast young miko. There's very minimum damage left. Come by the fire and I s-s-shall return you to full health."

Kagome looked to Sesshomaru hoping he would be a little more like Inuyasha, though she couldn't believe she was thinking that. The hanyou was known for his ignorance and never allowed others to do anything without a fight. That included the many times Kaede helped to wrap up Kagome's injuries, or attend to a cold she caught every so often. But when the golden gaze reached her she made out the resolution in his eyes. He wouldn't be of any help.

What do you want? She contemplated to herself before determining the inu was probably amusing himself. He enjoyed watching others suffer and therefore thought it would be entertaining to torture her in the worse way possible. Now paranoid that he was indeed occupying his time with the torment he probably cooked up for her she decided that it would be best not give him the satisfaction he sought out. Reluctantly she followed the snake to the pillows beside the fire and ignored the male observing her. Kagome bit her tongue as the serpent reached for her arm, her shivers up her spine were noticeable but she fought her fear and remained seated.

"Tell me young one, how did this-s-s happen?"

"I fell off a cliff while climbing," Kagome huffed, though she found that talking distracted her from the fear she felt for the youkai.


"What?" she asked fretfully.

"Your alpha should have fores-s-seen s-s-such an event and prevented it or taken any injury in attempting to s-s-save you from harm."

Kagome loved the way each 's' became a small hiss. "Yeah right," she mumbled, "Inuyasha is far more concern with the zombie soul he wants to follow to hell than me. I am not worth saving, well except when it comes to my shard detection skills, and then I mean the world to him."

"You are mis-s-staken. The hanyou is-s-s not worthy of you. Your power is well known through the kingdoms-s-s and many tales-s-s revolve around miss-ssion you are on. It is-s-s the hanyou that does-s-sn't merit your kindness-ss and attention."

There was a pregnant pause. Kagome thought about what the youkai told her and let it sink in as the glowing blue light around her arm radiated brighter and then lightened. Watching the slender digits feel the bone she noted her arm no longer hurt. In fact the swelling had gone done and her fingers weren't cramping.

"Wow, that's amazing," the miko replied in awe. "Thanks so much."

"My pleas-s-sure."

"Come," Sesshomaru pivoted and headed out of the mouth of the cave.

"Uh... goodbye," Kagome stuttered as she bowed respectfully to the female healer.

"While under the wind of the inu lord you will find out the way things-s-s are meant to be when part of an inu's-s-s pack," the woman explained.

Kagome barely took in the words as she ran to catch up to the male and tell him exactly how she felt about his actions.


Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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