Second Chance by Oroyukae

Second Chance







Kagome sat with her longtime friend Sango in the small cafe reminiscing the past and catching up on the current events in their lives. They had drifted apart since Sango married her long time love Miroku Wanatabe and moved to Kyoto. Theircorrespondance had dwindled down to the same as nothing in the past two years, each busy with their own careers and such. There was so much to say and almost not enough time.

" So Kagome, any new men in your life ?" Sango asked her as she picked up her cup of tea.

Kagome chuckled , " I was wondering when you were going to get to that subject."

" Well the last time we talked you had just broke things off with ...y'know. " she replied , not sure if she should say the name out loud. " What happened then, we all thought you two would get married - well , mated anyway. "

Kagome sighed, " I told you, I got sick and tired of taking a backseat to his career and his distant behavior. I knew he was like that when we got together but I thought he would change."

Sango shook her head, " You can't teach an old dog new know that.So, no new guy?"

She grinned slyly, her eyes sparkling, " Oh, I wouldn't call him ' new ' ..."

Sangos eyes grew wide, " Don't tell me.. "

Kagome flashed her a grin rivaling the cheshire cat, " Yeah. It was soo..I don't know , like a chick flick I guess. "

Sango sat back in her seat , her face a mask of piqued interest, ""

Kagome sat her cup down in the saucer, taking a hugh breath, " It happened seven months ago...I was having the worst day of my life..."

                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Flash Back }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She hated her boss -  well, ex boss. The bastard decided they needed to downsize and laid off several employees...including her. Her drycleaning had been lost and all she wanted was a nice dinner..yeah, right. Her waitress was obviously in the wrong line of work and her food tasted like garbage.Perfect.

She turned on her radio in her car, nothing but static. Giving a great growl of frustration she immediately started scanning for another station, she needed music to soothe her...unfortuneately the only station to come in was on their Love Hour [ as she liked to call it.] . For three hours there would be nothing but sappy, heart wrenching love songs to torture her with the constant reminder that she herself was alone. There was no one waiting for her to ask her how her day went, to rub her shoulders and tell her everything would be okay.

Nope, not going to let it get to her..not that time. She was through with feeling so down and depressed because she had no one in her life. She was a strong and independant woman, she did not need a man to make her feel good about herself..still though, it would be nice to feel strong arms wrapped around her at night when she went to sleep.

She had it ..once, some time ago. Okay so it was just over a year. Not really that long after all. It was her own fault that he was gone too, she told him to leave. It seemed to be her best option at the time, he was not the kind of man she needed . He was cold and distant, when they weren't in the bedroom. He was always preoccupied with his career, not her. It began to seem to her that he just wanted a trophy girl to take to business functions, holidays with the family and such..even in the bedroom, it was always how he wanted it to be..her wants were never taken into consideration.

That was no to say he did not satisfy her sexually, he did. She never faked it with him, no way. He was gifted and very willing to see that she was satisfied before he was, it just wasn't enough.

' You're listening to the seductive sounds  as only we can give them. So sit back, grab a glass of wine and that someone special, and prepare for three hours of LOVE. ' the d j s' smooth deep tones flowed from the speakers.

" Ugh!" she replied as she resigned herself to the fact that it was the only thing she could get in so she was stuck listening to it. Kagome started her car, bracing herself for the drive home.

' Someone found the letter you wrote me on the radio 

and it told the world just how you felt.

It must have fallen out of the hole in your old brown over caot,

they never said your name but I knew just who they meant...whoah- oh.'

The dj broke in speaking in an even deeper tone than he was known for " Blossom, I know I was wrong in how I treated you..oh how I regret what happened. Never did I think it would hurt this much, loosing you . You were my world, though I did not realize it until you were gone. My very existence is an intolerable lonely hell that I made for myself."

Kagome listened , the wording, how everything was being phrased sounded eerily familiar to her but she just could not bring herself to believe that it was who she was thinking of. Could it? How many men called their women blossom ? Surely not many. It had to be him, but ..did that mean he put the di up to it? So many questions... 

' I was so surprised and shocked and I wondered too ,

if by chance you heard it for yourself ?

I never told a soul just how I'd been feeling over you.....

but they said it really loud  -they said it on the air

On The Radio 

[ Whoah ] On The Radio

[Whoah] On The Radio

[Whoah] On The Radio

[ Whoah] On The Radio

Now now, don't it kind of strike you sad when you hear our song ?

Things are not the same since we broke up last June.

The only thing I wanna hear is that you love me still,

and that you think you'll be coming back real soon.'

" It was never my intention to make you feel so alienated, so unloved...the fact was that my feelings for you scared me. You never thought you would hear that from me, did you ? Well, it is true. I loved you much. I still do. Not a minute went by in the past year  that I haven't thought of you...missed you....loved you. I was a fool with my cold and distant ways, it was not your fault blossom - it was mine and I don't blame you for making me leave. I'd have left me too." 

 Man, d j Hoshi sure could get the message across.He put such emotion into his voice that Kagome was near tears. Well, that and the fact everything she had wanted to hear him say was being said. True , it wasn't technically her him - but the words were his and that was what mattered . She continued to drive, not really knowing exactly where she was going , she just wanted to hear more.

' Whoah - yeah it kinda made me feel proud when I heard him say

you couldn't find the words to say it yourself. '

It was like both the song and the d j knew her and the secrets of her soul. She had been thinking of him for sometime , kind of regretting making him go thirteen months prior. She missed her Dai and what they had. She had considered contacting him many times but always lost the nerve, thinking he more than hated her for ending it. Telling him all the things that bothered her about him and that unless he changed himself - he would be alone the rest of his miserable life. It was what she had felt then, only to regret it later. 

'Now in my heart I know I can say what I really feel

cause they said it really loud , they said it on the air ..

On The Radio

[Whoah ] On The Radio.

[Whoah] On The Radio

[Whoah] On The Radio

[Whoah - Oh ] On The Radio!

" Blossom, if only I could look into your eyes once more - I'd tell you how much I need you by me . Nothing seems right without you . My days are forever cold with no sun to warm them...I wish I had the courage to tell you all this myself - but ,sadly I am a coward. I almost told you when I saw you a few months ago outside the theatre - I almost came up to you and poured out my heart but I could not think of what to say. So, I am destined to my lonely, loveless life . Reduced to baring my soul on paper in a letter that will never be mailed , but it does help to get it all out - even if you will never know. I wish you all the best my beloved blossom, in all you do in your life. You deserve what I was unable to give you.Take care my blossom and remember...I Love You."

Her tears fell heavily, streaking her face and smudging her make up and she realized she was sitting outside of his home staring at the light in the window. She glanced at the clock on her dash , amazed that he was home. In the past he was never home at such a time. Kagome gathered her courage and stepped out of the car , marching up to his door and rang the bell.

She waited with baited breath, her heart threatening to burst from her chest . What if she had been wrong ? What if he did blame her and shut the door in her face ? Could she honestly handle the rejection ?

The door slowly opened and there he stood, gazing at her silently and logingly. He looked so ...wonderful. His long silver hair shone brilliantly in the soft glow from inside the house , his golden eyes filled her with the courage she had felt slipping away from her.

" Sesshoum..mmph.." her words were muffled as he pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her deeply, passionately .She found it hard to breathe but she refused to be the one to end the kiss she had been aching for . Her fingers tangled into his silken mane, holding him close to her.

Sesshoumaru lifted her up and carried her into the house, kicking the door closed with his foot.He pressed her into the door, trailing kisses across her jaw and down her neck where he stroked her flesh with his tongue. She could feel his hardening manhood pressing against her thigh and she moaned. Her fingers raked  the hair at the nape of his neck making him shudder.

Kagome could barely make out the noise in the background, her senses were otherwise occupied.She felt his hands slide down her sides to her hips then her thighs , tasted his kisses upon her lips , his scent drove over the edge of rational thought and her ears were filled with the sound of his heavy pants for breath. Before she knew it she was lifted up, her legs instinctually wrapped around his waist, and carried over to the sofa. Soon she was on her back staring up into the eyes that had haunted her for a year.

' If you think that love isn't found on the radio

  write in ,  you may find a love you lost

cause now I'm sittin' here with the man I sent away long ago.

He found it really loud , he said it on the air - on the radio

[ Whoah ] On The Radio

[Whoah] On The Radio

[Whoah] On The Radio

On The Radio-Radio-Radio...

" You know boys and girls - it's just a shame when one has love in the palm of their hands and they let it slip away. [deep sigh] Lost love...sad isn't it? When I found this declaration of undying emotions on the floor in the resturaunt - I was compelled to help the poor soul out. Blossom, and you know who you are , give him another shot. He deserves it ..."

Kagome stroked his markings on his cheek tenderly, her eyes reflecting all she was feeling at that moment.She smiled softly as his eyes rolled upward and he turned to kiss her palm, touching his tongue to her flesh.

" Sesshoumaru....I-" once more she was cut off by his passionate mouth descending upon hers.

After kissing her thoroughly he pulled back and stared into her deep blue eyes, " Later blossom, there is much to catch up on." he ground his throbbing member against her already drenched heat.

She nodded her agreement, pulling him back in for another scorching kiss, her tiny frame arched up against him telling him that she was just  as needy as he was.

He took her with more lust and passion than she had ever seen from him before - making her absolutely insane with desire for him. He did not even taken her upstairs to his bedroom, he never had done anything like that before...ever. It made for the best, the most intense experience they had ever had togther. It left them gasping for breath and completely incapable  of moving for some time.

                                                           **********[End Flashback]************

Sango grinned at her, " That was so romantic. He was listening at the same moment you were...girl, it was fate. "

Kagome nodded, " I think so too..Oh god, I'm going to be late for work. Call me tomorrow before you leave Sango."

She stood up and gathered her things, kissed her friends cheek then rushed out of the cafe. Sango watched her dart across the street and disappear into the building and she shook her head. She was so happy for her friend, Kagome looked so happy and Sango knew that it was all due to the Daiyoukai in her life. Kagome and Sesshoumaru were good together, he just needed to loosen up some was all.

Sango glanced at her watch and sighed. Seven oclock, Kagome would be busy for hours , leaving the girl with nothing to do but go back to her hotelroom and relax. Sango stood, grabbed her purse and headed out the door.


Kagome saw the light go on and she immediately began speaking into the microphone, her voice soft and sultry, " You're listening to Aphrodite at Night , where lost love gets another chance at happiness. We 'll open the lines in a few moments but first...a little something to prepare all for the night ahead...."

' Someone found the letter you wrote me on the radio....'

She removed her earphones and turned, smiling at her producer through the soundbooth glass and he flashed her a wide fully fanged grin right back. He ratings were good, her listeners loved her and she had the luxury of actually sleeping with her boss. It was only fitting since he was her long lost love that was given another chance.

Sesshoumaru gazed at his blossom through the glass, she was absolutely wonderful. He gave her the job of nightime D J upon buying the station responsible for returning his lost love to him months ago out of gratitude. They were on the verge of going under so he got it for a steal, not that it would have mattered. He would have bought it even if it had been the most profitable station in all of Japan , just for bringing her back into his life. Now that he had her he was going to do everything it took to see that he never lost her again. Ever.

He reached inside his breast pocket and pulled out a velvet ring box, grinning from ear to ear he walked into the booth and shortly after Kagome's excited squeals could be heard throughout the station.
