Roman Engagement- Epilogue to Influenced by LadyDaniTar

Roman Engagement- Epilogue to Influenced


“I do not need sunscreen.” Sesshoumaru kept swatting Kagome’s lotion covered hands away. 

“Will you at least put on a hat?” She pulled a large petal pink sun hat from her oversized tote bag.

“I would rather burn than put that monstrosity on.” Honey brown eyes narrowed further at the artificial sunflower glued to the hatband.

“Ha! So you do burn!” Before Sesshoumaru could get away Kagome was slathering his face and neck with the cream. When he tried to wiggle away she chastised, “Oh stop acting like a baby! Chiyo is still a toddler and he behaves better.” 

The small fox kit in her lap looked up from his gelato and smiled. His tiny face was covered in the sugary dessert. “Yeah PasPaw! Don’t be a baby!” 

The two laughed while the dog demon tried to wipe away the excess lotion he wouldn’t let Kagome rub in. 

Standing in front of the Trevi Fountain, Rin couldn’t help but smile as she looked around at her family. She was grateful that Kagome had suggested taking a family vacation. It was rare for them all to be together and even rarer for her father to join them. An arm wrapping around her waist drew her attention, and she looked up to see her mate, Shippo, smiling down at her.

“What are you grinning about?” Shippo asked, nuzzling the top of Rin’s head.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let out a content sigh. “I’m just so happy we are all together.”

Shippo was about to agree when a loud voice broke the peaceful atmosphere. Looking behind Rin, he saw Kouga and their oldest kit, Isamu, playing keep away with Inuyasha’s camera.

“Yeah, it was nice of Mom to invite us… but did she really have to bring Uncle Yasha and Kouga too?” Shippo grumbled, though his eyes twinkled with amusement.

Rin just giggled and pulled the fox down for a kiss. “Just be glad they’re keeping our boys busy. Tonight they asked if they could have a slumber party in Uncle Yasha’s room, and I said yes. So let’s take advantage of the free babysitters.”

Shippo’s green eyes widened, and if he hadn’t had his glamour on, Rin was sure the tips of his ears would be turning pink. He pulled her closer, his voice dropping to a low, playful whisper. “I like the sound of that. We don’t get nearly enough alone time.”

Rin’s smile widened as she felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. “Then we should make the most of it.”

Sesshoumaru couldn’t help but notice how his daughter and her mate were sharing an intimate moment together. The sight made him envious. When Kagome had told him about her idea for a trip together, he was excited. Since their reunion at the bookstore, it had been difficult to find time alone with her. If she wasn’t busy traveling or speaking at events, he was swamped with meetings and deadlines. The few times they got together in the last five months Kagome would be exhausted from work. So Sesshoumaru would suggest a night in, and they would cuddle and order takeout. As much as he loved to snuggle he was still a male and he missed sex.

When she invited the whole pack making it a ‘family vacation’, he nearly whined like a newborn pup. Although it was nice to share a bed with her the three nights they were in Rome, it was in a room at a villa with everyone else close by. Nightly interruptions from the kits or his idiot brother getting kicked out of his room after another fight with the wolf were becoming commonplace.

As if sensing his thoughts, Kagome leaned into his side, slipping her hand into his. “Enjoying the view?” she asked, her voice soft.

Sesshoumaru squeezed her hand, drawing comfort from her presence. “The fountain is quite beautiful,” he replied, his eyes lingering on her face.

Kagome laughed, her eyes sparkling. “I meant the family. It’s nice to see everyone together, isn’t it?”

He nodded, his gaze following the younger kit leaving Kagome’s lap to join his brother playing with Inuyasha and Kouga. “It is. Though I do wish we had more time alone.”

Kagome laid her head against his shoulder, sighing contentedly. “Me too. It’s a good thing I asked Rin to make sure your schedule was clear until the end of the week. Once everyone flies home tomorrow, I’ll have you all to myself.”

Sesshoumaru pulled away slightly, looking down at the woman in awe. The little minx never ceased to surprise him. She must have seen a tinge of pink seeping into the corner of his eyes because she was now blushing.

“Put your beast away, mister,” she teased, grinning up at him. “We still have the rest of the day and one more night with everyone, and I plan to make the most of it!” Standing up, she pulled Sesshoumaru’s hand, urging him to do the same.

Rin and Shippo were in their own little bubble, looking out at the fountain together. Inuyasha and Kouga were wrestling on the ground, Chiyo laughing as Isamu tried to break them apart. The entire scene made Kagome giggle as she led Sesshoumaru over to the chaos. Looking back at him over her shoulder, her blue eyes twinkled with happiness. “You know, I never pegged you for a fanny pack type of guy.”

Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow, glancing down at the small pack strapped around his waist. “It is practical,” he said, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.

Kagome laughed, her fingers lacing with his. “Practical and adorable.”


As usual, dinner was a noisy affair, but for once Sesshoumaru found that he did not mind. After tonight, he and Kagome would have four days of uninterrupted bliss. His face must have betrayed his excitement because his brother was now yelling at him.

“What’s with the goofy look, old man?” Inuyasha’s loud voice carried around the table, effectively wiping the small grin from his face.

“I think Dad’s just excited to have a romantic few days with Kagome,” Rin chimed in, smiling at the disgusted look on her uncle's face.

“Ugh, I don’t need to know that!” he yelled, causing the two kits to giggle at his childish behavior.

“Come on, Yasha, it’s getting late, and we promised to watch a movie with the little ones,” Kouga reminded his mate while trying to get him out of the room before Sesshoumaru retaliated.

The couple soon left with the kits in tow, and not long after, Rin and Shippo slipped away to their room, leaving Kagome and Sesshoumaru alone.

Trying to suppress a yawn, Kagome stood and stretched, unaware of the hungry eyes staring at her exposed belly. “Can we clean up the table and kitchen tomorrow? I’m wiped and ready for bed.”

Instead of responding verbally, Sesshoumaru moved with demon speed, picking her up and taking her to their room. It wasn't until he set her back on her feet that Kagome realized what had happened.

“A little warning next time…” she muttered as she stumbled and leaned against the windowsill, waiting for the vertigo to subside.

“Apologies,” Sesshoumaru rumbled as he slowly stalked towards her.

When Kagome’s head stopped spinning, she opened her eyes and looked outside. The glow of the city lights illuminating the modern architecture and ancient ruins was breathtaking. Strong arms wrapped around her waist, and Kagome found herself relaxing in the embrace.

Silver hair trickled over her shoulder, indicating Sesshoumaru had dropped his human glamour. She sighed contentedly, leaning back against his solid frame.

“You know,” she said softly, meeting his amber gaze in the glass reflection, “this city is beautiful, but I think I prefer the view right here.”

Sesshoumaru tightened his hold on her, his lips brushing against her ear. “The view is indeed captivating,” he murmured, his voice low and seductive. “But I find myself more captivated by you.”

Kagome blushed, turning in his arms to face him. “You always know what to say,” she whispered, her fingers trailing up his chest.

Sesshoumaru leaned down, capturing her lips in a slow, tender kiss. “It is easy when the truth is so apparent,” he said against her lips.

With each passing second, their kiss became more heated until Kagome found herself picked up once more, this time with her back pressed against the window. Her legs wrapped around Sesshoumaru’s hips as his clawed hands gripped her rear. His tongue explored her mouth, prodding and thrusting in time with his hips as he ground his hard length against her. The friction caused by their clothes only heightened his need.

Just as he reached under her skirt, preparing to rip away her soaked-through panties, there was a knock at the door.

Kagome immediately pulled away and tried to escape his iron-like hold on her. “Let me down.”

With a growl, he nipped her ear. “You are not opening that door.”

Blue eyes glared up at him, and before Kagome had a chance to argue, Kouga’s voice called out from the other side of the door. “Sorry to interrupt, but Chiyo wanted to stay with you guys tonight.”

A sniffle followed by a choked sob was Sesshoumaru’s undoing as the small kit cried out, “I want Pawpaw and Mawmaw!”

The demon had no choice but to let Kagome go. As she rushed to open the door and take the kit in her arms, Sesshoumaru stomped into the bathroom attached to their room. He needed time alone to calm himself.

Kagome gently cradled Chiyo, who was still sniffling, and gave the wolf an understanding smile. “It’s okay, Kouga. We’ll take care of him tonight.”

Kouga nodded, a grateful look on his face. “Thanks, Kagome. I really am sorry.”

Kagome waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. Family comes first.”

After Kouga left, Kagome carried Chiyo to the bed and tucked him in, brushing the kit’s auburn hair away from his tear-streaked face. She began to hum a soft tune while repeatedly running a finger down the length of his nose. The combined soothing sensations had the intended effect, and soon Chiyo was fast asleep.

Sesshoumaru emerged a short time later to find the kit sleeping soundly and Kagome dressed for bed. She smiled shyly at him and walked over, pulling his face down to rub their noses together. Whispering just loud enough for him to hear, she said, “If you’re a good boy and let Chiyo stay with us tonight, I’ll do that thing you like tomorrow.”

He had to suppress a groan. This vixen always knew just the right thing to say.

Sesshoumaru replied by crooning and nuzzling her neck. He would concede for tonight, but starting tomorrow he planned to remain between her legs until it was time to return back home.


Kagome and Sesshoumaru stood back while everyone loaded their luggage into the two cabs. When Shippo and Inuyasha managed to cram the last of it into a trunk, they joined the others in saying goodbye.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to see you off at the airport?” Kagome asked while hugging Rin and her kits.

The icy glare Sesshoumaru gave them from behind Kagome told them to hurry up and leave.

“We’ll be fine! You just enjoy the rest of your trip,” Rin said as she cradled a crying kit. “I will call when we get home.”

Kagome waved goodbye as the two cabs pulled away. They had barely disappeared from view when she found herself being picked up and thrown over a wide shoulder.

“Ah—what the hell are you doing?!” she demanded, struggling to lift her upper body to look at the dog demon.

He didn’t respond until they were back in their room. Tossing the small woman on the bed, Sesshoumaru practically ripped his shirt off and began undoing his belt. “I think I have earned my reward.”

Blue eyes roamed his sculpted chest as she crawled over to the edge of the bed. Brushing his hands away, Kagome took over and unbuttoned his jeans but paused to look up at him with a sultry expression. “I want to hear you say it.”

Furrowing his brow, Sesshoumaru wasn’t sure what she was asking.

She began to pull his zipper down torturously slow. Licking her lips, she never broke eye contact. “I want to hear you say you’ve been a good boy.”

Red-tinged eyes stared down at the little she-devil. There was no way he was going to say—he hissed as the zipper to his pants was suddenly pulled all the way back up, compressing his painfully hard cock.

Slowly pulling it down again, Kagome gave him an innocent smile. “I’m waiting.”

Sesshoumaru was quickly learning that when it came to the priestess on her knees before him, he had no shame. He would beg, plead, anything to get her to touch him.

“I’ve been a good boy,” he forced out through clenched fangs, but it must have sufficed because her sweet smile turned seductive

“Good,” she purred, tugging his jeans and boxers down in one swift motion. His erection sprang free, and Kagome couldn’t help but admire his size. “Now, let me reward you properly.”

Sesshoumaru’s breath hitched as Kagome’s soft hands wrapped around his length, stroking him with a tantalizingly slow rhythm. She leaned forward, her warm breath teasing his sensitive skin, licking away a bead of precum before she took him into her mouth. The sensation was heavenly, and he let out a deep groan, his hands tangling in her raven hair.

Kagome’s tongue swirled around the tip, her lips moving up and down his shaft with skillful ease that drove him wild. She could feel him trembling beneath her fingers, his control slipping with every passing second.

“Kagome, do it,” he moaned, tightening his grip in her hair. “Please.”

Encouraged by his reaction, Kagome increased her pace, withholding what he was asking for as her head bobbed faster, taking him deeper. Sesshoumaru’s hips bucked, his growls growing louder as he neared his peak.

Just when he thought he wouldn’t get his much needed reward, Kagome pulled back until just the tip breached her full lips, leaving him on the edge. He looked down at her with a mixture of frustration and hope, his half-lidded eyes pleading.

Kagome’s ocean-blue eyes sparkled up at Sesshoumaru, the only warning before the burn of her holy powers enveloped the weeping tip of his cock.

The demon threw his head back and roared. This was it. This was what he had been craving. As her power continued to stroke and burn him, Kagome relaxed her jaw and took him all the way to the base.

The dual sensation of her throat squeezing him and her reiki’s painful sting made Sesshoumaru feral. His hands left her locks to grab either side of her head as he held her still and fucked her mouth.

“Kagome,” he growled, his voice rough as he repeatedly said her name. It became a mantra, keeping him from the brink of madness. 

Kagome’s hands gripped his massive thighs for support, her nails digging into his skin as she fought to keep her focus. The feeling of his thick length filling her mouth, combined with the taste of him, was divine. She could feel the raw power of his youkai pulsing around her, mixing with her own holy energy in a way that had her core dripping in anticipation.

Sesshoumaru’s movements became more erratic, his hips thrusting with increasing intensity. He watched her through crimson hazed eyes, the sight of her bruised lips stretched around him sent a shiver down his spine and all the way to his tightening balls. He could see the determination in her eyes, the desire to please him, and it only fueled his lust.

“Take it all,” he commanded, his voice a husky whisper. “I want to feel you swallow every drop.”

Kagome’s eyes fluttered shut as she obeyed, her throat working to accommodate his now swelling length.

With a final, powerful thrust, Sesshoumaru held her head in place as he spilled himself into her mouth. His release was intense, a roar of satisfaction echoing through the halls of the villa. Kagome swallowed eagerly, her tongue swirling around him to catch every last drop.

When he finally released her, Kagome pulled back, gasping for air. A thin line of his essence dripped from the corner of her mouth, and she wiped it away with the back of her hand, her eyes locked onto his.

Sesshoumaru reached down, pulling her up and capturing her lips in a searing kiss. He could taste himself on her tongue, and it only stoked the fire within him. “You are magnificent,” he murmured against her lips, his hands roaming over her body and ripping away layers of clothing.

Kagome nibbled his bottom lip and smiled. “I aim to please.”

It was nearly dawn, but Sesshoumaru couldn’t sleep. They had spent all day and night exploring each other, fulfilling long-suppressed desires and it left his body spent but awake. Sitting up he looked down at the slumbering woman in his arms. Kagome lay across his chest, her arms wrapped around his waist, her long, tangled black hair cascading over her shoulder as she nuzzled her face into him.

His claws combed through her mane, admiring the markings he had left all over her body. From the small bruises on her exposed neck to the large red handprint covering most of her left ass cheek, there was no doubt who she belonged to.

At least, that’s what he was hoping. They had yet to have any sort of conversation about the type of relationship they had. Sesshoumaru knew what he wanted. The sight of her bouncing the small kit on her lap while cooing and awing at the boy had triggered a new yearning in him. He envisioned a future where she was fertile and swollen with his seed.

He didn’t know if Kagome even wanted pups. In human years, she was now thirty-four. While in this modern age it was normal for women to delay pregnancy, she had never spoken her views on the matter.

Closing his glowing amber eyes, he gently stroked her back and couldn’t help but smile when Kagome let out a happy sigh.

Even if she did not desire children of her own, Sesshoumaru already knew he would agree to whatever she wanted, as long as she allowed him to remain by her side. The tiny human was perfect in every way. No other female challenged him, infuriated him, or aroused him like she did. But did she want him in return?

Carefully, he extracted himself from her embrace and left the bed. Sesshoumaru slipped on a pair of pants, grabbed his phone, and left the room. He needed advice, and there was only one person who would understand him.

Stepping outside, he found a small stone bench in the garden and sat down. Dialing the first number in his contacts, he waited until he heard Rin pick up.

“Dad? Is everything okay?” Her worried voice had him smiling up at the slowly brightening sky. His little girl always knew when he needed her.

Running a hand through his now black hair, Sesshoumaru let out a sigh. “I am… lost.”

Rin closed her laptop and leaned back in her chair. Her father was not the best when it came to expressing himself with words, so she had to be the one to steer the conversation.

“Did something happen with Kagome?”

“No. That is the problem,” came his exasperated answer.

Ah, so that’s what’s bothering him, thought Rin. Her oldest, Isamu, stepped into her home office, but she quickly shooed him away. “What are you afraid to ask her?”

The blunt question left the demon sputtering. “I… I am unsure how to proceed,” he admitted.

Rin chuckled softly. “Dad, you’ve faced countless battles and conquered every challenge. Why is this so different?”

“Because she is different!” Sesshoumaru knew he sounded like a love-sick fool, but he didn’t care. Right now, he needed Rin to take him seriously. “What should I do?”

The desperation in his voice made Rin pull her phone away from her ear to make sure it was really her father on the line. “What have you done so far to show her you’re interested? Have you taken her on a date? Bought her a gift? Tell her you like her?”

There was a long pause before he replied, “I gave her roses at her book signing.”

Rin wanted to strangle the demon. “Are you telling me… in the months you’ve been able to see Kagome and talk to her… you haven’t given her any sort of indication you like her?”

“We have done other things. Like—”

“I don’t need to know all the dirty details, Dad!” she yelled into the phone, knowing it would hurt his sensitive ears. “Just, start out small. Take her to dinner. If that goes well, buy her jewelry. Then after you both confess your feelings, ask her to move in.”

Sesshoumaru considered her words. As a dog demon, he was used to letting his actions speak for him. The realization that Kagome might not even know how he felt about her was frightening. Did she think what they had was merely physical?


Rin’s voice pulled him out of his downward spiral. “What if she does not wish for a relationship?”

“Of course she will want—”

“Rin.” His tone was harsh, telling her he did not want false hope.

Standing up and looking out the window, Rin let out a heavy sigh. “If she doesn’t like you in a romantic way, maybe you can just remain friends.”

Remain friends… Kagome had told him once before she wished to be his friend in the past. But what about now? Has her view of him changed like his has of her?

Running a hand down his face, Sesshoumaru looked east as the sun began to rise. “Thank you, Rin.”

“Anything for you, Dad. I love you,” Rin whispered while watching her children through the window as they played outside.

“And I you.”

He hung up and sat there until the first rays of sunlight broke over the horizon before standing up and making his way back inside. The large house was quiet, the soft hum of the morning filling the air. He walked back to their room, finding Kagome still asleep, her face peaceful and relaxed.

He smiled softly, the sight of her naked and the smell of her covered in his scent, it was exquisite. Gently, he climbed back into bed, careful not to wake her. But as he settled beside her, Kagome stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

“Hey,” she said sleepily, a small smile on her lips. “Where did you go?”

“I needed to speak with Rin,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “But I’m here now.”

Kagome snuggled closer, her arms wrapping around him. “Good. I like having you here.”

Sesshoumaru held her tightly, savoring the feel of her in his arms. “Kagome, there is something I wish to ask you.”

She looked up at him, her blue eyes curious. “What is it?”

Taking a deep breath, he gathered his courage. “Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?”

A bright smile spread across her face. “Of course!”

Relief washed over him, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Good,” he rumbled, his voice filled with relief. With a swift, gentle motion, he turned her to lay beneath him. “Now, let us see if we can work up an appetite before then.”

Kagome laughed softly. “Is that your way of saying you want dessert first?”

He grinned, his eyes darkening. “Absolutely.”

After successfully escaping Sesshoumaru’s claws, Kagome now stood in the bathroom getting ready. She felt a flutter of excitement at the thought of going out, especially since it was just the two of them—it almost felt like a real date. Pausing a moment before applying mascara, Kagome felt her heart sink. This wasn’t the time to get her hopes up; he had asked her to dinner because the only other option was to cook. With the others gone, it was easier to eat out when it was just two people and not a whole family. They were basically friends with benefits at this point. Kagome had tried to drop hints, insisting she was too tired to go home so she could stay over at his place, or asking him about his interests and where he wanted to travel next. When he had mentioned the Colosseum, she went straight into planning mode. Why did he think she picked Rome of all places?

Letting out an annoyed huff, Kagome packed her makeup away and began to dress. Sesshoumaru either had no interest in dating a human like her, or he was just so out of touch he wasn’t picking up on any of the signals she was putting out.

Slipping into a form-fitting black cocktail dress, she peeked into the bedroom and saw that Sesshoumaru was still gone. After dressing in a tailored charcoal gray suit, he had mentioned needing better cell service to send a few emails and went out to a nearby cafe. Tiptoeing into the room, she sat down on the bed and picked up one of his shirts lying on top of it. Lifting it to her nose, she inhaled his woodsy scent and sighed. Maybe she was the one overthinking this. It seemed that the only way to get her feelings across was to be upfront with him.

After dinner, she would suggest a walk. The restaurant they were dining at was near the Colosseum and other ruins. It was perfect—the location, the atmosphere. If the demon still didn’t comprehend her desire to openly date him, then she would just have to purify his ass. The thought made her burst into a fit of giggles.

“Is my dirty laundry that amusing to you?” Sesshoumaru’s baritone voice startled Kagome, causing her to throw the shirt at him. The clothing was no match for his demon reflexes, and he caught the shirt with ease.

“I just thought of something funny,” Kagome said between laughs. She stood and turned so the unzipped back of her dress was facing Sesshoumaru.

He crossed the room in a few long strides and began to zip up the dress. Before the petite woman could step away, his hands grabbed her hips, and he pressed his lips against her ear. “And what was this humorous thought?”

Turning in his grasp, Kagome stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I was thinking that if you didn’t come back in time for us to make our reservation, I would have to purify your ass.” Seeing his raised eyebrow, she continued. “But then I remembered how much you liked being spanked by my holy powers.”

Kagome took advantage of his shocked state to slip out of his hold and pull on her heels. She paused in the doorway when she noticed he wasn’t following. “Come on! A horny demon kept me on my back all day, and I’m starving!”

Her chime-like laughter filled the villa as Sesshoumaru snarled and chased after her.


The intimate restaurant was beyond gorgeous. Their table was situated on a small balcony with a clear view of the Colosseum under the night sky. The ancient structure emitted a warm glow from the yellow lights lit up on the inside. It was a surreal image that Kagome couldn’t look away from.

Sesshoumaru, on the other hand, couldn’t tear his eyes away from Kagome. As she admired the view, he took in every detail of her appearance. She had fashioned her long wavy hair into a simple updo and, much to his pleasure, chose not to apply makeup to cover the cluster of love bites adorning her neck. The dress she wore clung to every curve of her voluptuous body and was held up by two thin straps. The front dipped down just enough to show some cleavage, teasing him. But his favorite part by far was how short it was, showing off her mouthwatering legs. Just the sight of her thick thighs had him wanting to crawl under the table and have his feast between her legs.

Kagome must have noticed his ogling because when his honey-brown eyes found her face again, she was looking at him with a sultry smile on her red lips.

The waiter then appeared, giving Sesshoumaru a chance to adjust himself while he told Kagome the specials.

“And for you, sir?” the waiter asked in Italian.

Sesshoumaru hadn’t been listening, so he had no clue what Kagome ordered. This was his chance to show her he was serious, that he could do things like take her to nice places and be the perfect boyfriend, but already he was slipping up.

“I will have what she’s having,” he replied, hoping his choice would impress her.

Kagome chuckled softly, the sound like music to his ears. “And a bottle of red wine, please,” she added.

The waiter nodded and left them to their privacy. As the night went on, the couple enjoyed their meal. Sesshoumaru, still nervous, ordered another bottle of wine. With dessert on its way and a happy, flushed Kagome in front of him, he patted the inside of his suit jacket to ensure he was prepared for the next part of his plan.

Kagome was feeling good. The view, the wine, the rich oxtail soup, and the beautiful male sitting across from her—it was all perfect. Well, almost perfect, she thought while gazing at Sesshoumaru as he refilled her wine glass. If he wasn’t wearing his human glamour and had his golden eyes, moonlit locks, and sexy markings out, then it would be perfect.

As the waiter set down a slice of tiramisu for them to share, Sesshoumaru could feel Kagome’s gaze fixed on him. A smile tugged at his lips as he picked up a fork and cut off a piece, holding it out to her.

Kagome eagerly leaned over the table, giving Sesshoumaru an eyeful of tan skin as her breasts threatened to break free from her dress.

He watched as she slowly opened her plump lips, taking the cake into her mouth. The sight of her closing her eyes, savoring the bite, and moaning her pleasure as she sat back in her seat, was almost too much for the demon. A dab of cream still lingered on the corner of her lips, and she opened her eyes, staring straight at him as she wiped it away with a finger.

“How does it taste?” he asked, knowing his voice came out huskier than usual.

She gave him a mischievous smile. “Almost as sweet as you,” she replied, licking her finger clean.

Sesshoumaru groaned softly, unable to hide his reaction to her teasing.

Kagome’s laughter filled the air, a delightful sound that made him smile despite his growing desire. “You’re too easy to fluster,” she teased, leaning forward to cut another piece of the tiramisu. She held it out to him this time, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Your turn.”

He leaned in, maintaining eye contact as he took the offered bite. The sweet, creamy dessert melted on his tongue, but it was the heat in Kagome’s gaze that truly captivated him.

“Delicious,” he mumbled, though his attention was clearly on her rather than the dessert.

Sesshoumaru waited until Kagome’s focus was back on the dessert and then reached into his jacket.

“You better start digging in before I eat all—” Kagome stopped speaking when she saw a hand sliding a small jewelry box across the table. Her fork, full of tiramisu, clattered to the table as she stared at the little velvet box.

The restaurant went quiet as heads turned to their table. Shocked blue eyes found his, and he could sense her panic.

Sesshoumaru waited and watched as her shaky hands reached out, slowly opening the box as if something was going to jump out at her. He really hoped he hadn’t chosen poorly.

Her shock suddenly turned to confusion when she found a small crescent moon pendant lined with diamonds. Looking up at him, Kagome began to open her mouth to ask what this was for, but he spoke first.

“Move in with me.” The words fell from his mouth before he could stop them. This was not at all what he had planned to say, but he couldn’t turn back now. He had taken the advice Rin gave him and managed to sneak out while Kagome was getting ready and purchase the necklace.

Silence filled the air as all the other patrons, oblivious to what was in the box, waited for her answer.

The sound of Kagome’s laughter filled the restaurant. It only grew louder when she looked at the necklace again and had to wipe tears from her eyes.

Between giggles and gasping for breath, she finally said, “I hate your apartment.”

He raised an eyebrow at her, not expecting anything other than a yes or no. But when had Kagome ever been conventional? The other customers began to murmur and whisper, trying to figure out if this was a proposal or not.

“If we can find a new place, preferably near the shrine and the kids, then yes. I will move in with you.”

There was a lackluster round of applause, the other diners confused as to what just happened.

Sesshoumaru’s lips curved into a rare smile. “Agreed. We will start looking for a new place when we return to Japan.”

Kagome’s laughter subsided as she reached across the table, taking his hand in hers. “You really surprised me, you know.”

“I aim to please,” he replied, echoing the words she spoke the night before.


Kagome decided they had one more day and night to enjoy a romantic walk through the city. Right now, she just needed Sesshoumaru to know how she felt about him.

She let out a gasp when her back was pushed up against the door leading to their bedroom. The demon’s strong hands squeezed her ass as he ground his erection into her stomach. Fangs nipped, tongue licked, and lips sucked every inch of her jaw and neck.

“Sesshou… I need to tell you something.” She barely got the words out when he lifted her bottom and wrapped her legs around his hips.

“What is it?” Sesshoumaru asked, making sure to now grind himself against her center.

It was becoming difficult for Kagome to focus. What had she been saying? When long fingers slipped under her panties and brushed her dripping folds, a loud moan fell from her lips.

“Wait, I need to—Ah!” Two of those sinful fingers pushed inside her, slowly stroking her walls.

“Use your words, Priestess,” he crooned into her ear.

Blue eyes flew open. That’s right, she was a priestess!

Hands tangled in his silver mane, alternating between massaging and kneading. When Kagome heard him begin to purr and stop moving the fingers that were still deep inside her, she sent out a pulse of reiki from her hands and let it trickle down his spine. Sesshoumaru’s whole body shuddered as he gasped into her hair.

Satisfied she now had his attention, Kagome roughly pulled his head back by the hair, relishing in the snarl he gave. When his narrow gold eyes locked on her face, she finally said, “I really like you. If we do this, move in together, I want it to be as a couple.” Her face softened before asking, “Will you be my boyfriend?”

Sesshoumaru’s eyes widened, and red began to bleed into the edges. Damn her. Damn her for being so bold, brave enough to say what he could not, for being so damn sexy. His answer was a low growl that reverberated throughout Kagome’s body. He pulled out his fingers and tore her underwear off. The same skilled hand undid his belt and pants, and before Kagome knew what was happening, Sesshoumaru’s cock was buried to the hilt.

Her head fell back, hitting the door as she yelled out his name. Fingers released his hair, and her arms desperately wrapped around his neck as he pounded into her from below.

“You brazen little bitch,” he sneered, watching her pupils dilate as he hit just the right spot near her womb. “Do you think I will settle for just being your boyfriend?”

Kagome’s eyes widened at his words but quickly closed them when sharp fangs raked along her neck, catching on the chain to the necklace he gifted her.

“You are mine. Mine to mate, to pup, to fuck.” His beast had taken complete control, revealing all his dark desires while thrusting into her tightening sheath.

She wanted to agree, to tell him yes, but all Kagome could do was hold on and surrender when her orgasm hit her. Her mouth dropped open, letting out a silent scream as her hips bucked forward, meeting his with each thrust.

But Sesshoumaru did not stop. He couldn’t. Like a wild animal, he continued to burrow his swelling cock into her spasming sex.

It was too much; Kagome felt like her body was being devoured by the beast she clung to. A trembling hand came down and blindly groped the door until she found what she was looking for.

Too far gone, relishing the warm, wet feel of her cunt, Sesshoumaru didn’t notice when she turned the doorknob until it was too late.

The door flew open inwards, causing them to fall. Sesshoumaru just barely managed to brace himself in time to prevent Kagome from hitting the ground too hard. With one arm securely around her waist and his other hand supporting their weight, he controlled their descent and gently lowered her to the floor.

Despite the unexpected fall, Sesshoumaru did not stop. In fact, the new position only seemed to fuel his desire. He adjusted his grip, one hand tangling in her hair while the other lifted her leg over his shoulder, allowing him to thrust into her with renewed vigor.

Kagome’s cries filled the villa, echoing off the walls. The sensation of being filled so completely was overwhelming. Her nails dug into the shirt on his back, leaving red trails in their wake.

“Sesshoumaru, please,” she begged, though she wasn’t sure what she was asking for. The intensity of his movements, the possessive growls, and the feeling of being completely dominated had her on the brink of another climax.

Sesshoumaru’s eyes locked onto hers, the red in his gaze almost entirely taking over. “Mine,” he growled again, his voice guttural and filled with possessive lust. “Say it.”

Kagome’s heart raced, the command in his voice sending a shiver down her spine. “Yours,” she gasped, her voice trembling. “I’m yours, Sesshoumaru.”

Her words seemed to snap the last thread of his restraint. With a final, powerful thrust, he buried himself deep inside her, his release triggered by the tight, pulsing grip of her walls around him. The sensation of his seed filling her sent Kagome over the edge once more, her body convulsing in ecstasy.

Sesshoumaru collapsed on top of her, their bodies slick with sweat, both of them breathing heavily. He gently nuzzled her neck, his fangs grazing her skin as he whispered, “Mine.”

Kagome smiled, her fingers gently stroking his hair. “Yes, Sesshoumaru. Always yours.”

They lay there for a moment, basking in the aftermath of their intense coupling. Finally, Sesshoumaru lifted himself off her, pulling her into his arms as he stood. He carried her to the bed, laying her down gently before joining her.

Kagome snuggled into his embrace, her head resting on his chest. “That was…intense,” she said with a breathless laugh.

Sesshoumaru chuckled softly, his fingers tracing patterns on her back. “I hope I did not hurt you.”

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with affection. “You didn’t,” she said, then buried her head into the crook of his neck. Suddenly, his earlier words seemed to sink in. Pulling away, she asked, “Did you say you wanted to pup me?”

Afraid to look her in the eyes, Sesshoumaru stared at the wall and cleared his throat before responding. “Yes. If that is what you want.” He knew she was on birth control, so her body had yet to become fertile since they’d reunited. But the thought of her in heat, curious about what her scent would smell like, had him salivating.

“Hm,” she said, narrowing her eyes at the demon. “There are still places I want to travel to and explore, so I don’t know when I will be ready to have kids.”

Her honesty pleased him. She knew what she wanted in life, and that was one of the things that drew him to her.

Pulling her back down to lay on his chest, he said, “I can wait for as long as you need. Once we return home and settle into a new place, I will take a step back from my company so I may travel with you.”

That had Kagome scrambling to sit on top of him, her slick folds parting as she settled along his still hard cock, causing him to groan. “You are not quitting your job for me!” she demanded, glaring down at him.

Clawed hands gripped her hips, holding her still so he could concentrate. “I never said I would quit. It was my plan to have Shippo take over eventually; it is just a matter of moving up the timeline.” The frustration on her face had him smiling up at her. “I will stay on as a consultant, meaning I can work remotely from anywhere in the world.”

“We won’t always have a signal,” she quickly fired back.

“I will not always be working,” he deflected.

“You will get sick of always being around me,” she tried again.

“The only thing I grow sick of is you trying to deter my plans,” Sesshoumaru said, his tone firm. He was going to have to teach his bitch that when he wanted something, he would have it. “We can delay having pups for as long as you like, but I wish to mate you within a year.”

That declaration surprised Kagome, but she was happy he was finally opening up to her. “Fine. But my mom will insist on a wedding.”

“I cannot wait to see you in white,” he crooned while bucking his hips. It must have been the correct answer because he could feel her lower lips getting wetter.

Kagome’s eager fingers removed his tie and attacked the buttons on his shirt. “Does that mean we are engaged?”

“Engaged, courting, I do not care what you call it as long as you are mine.” Sesshoumaru’s claws teased the rolled-up hem of Kagome’s outfit. “Do you favor this dress?”

“Not particularly.” She barely got the words out before the demon was ripping it from the bottom all the way up to the top. 

“Good.” He growled, satisfied that he could now see all of her luscious body.

Large hands cupped her breasts, massaging them while pinching pebbled nipples between his fingers. Kagome raked her nails down his now bare chest, rocking her hips and never breaking eye contact with the demon beneath her.

“Ride me like you did the night we met,” his request almost sounded like a plea.

Kagome stopped moving and gave him a strange look. “The night we first met, you tried to kill me.”

The hands on her breasts stilled as he processed her words. Sesshoumaru had been referring to the day of her book signing, not 500 years in the past.

Youkai swirled around Kagome’s thighs until it reared back and smacked her on the ass. He gave her a fanged smile when she almost toppled over. “Even back then you were infuriating. Threatening me with my father’s sword… such an odd creature.”

Kagome lowered her upper body, brushing her lips against his. “You loved it. Or maybe it was just the short skirts I wore that caught your attention.”

Reaching between them, she lifted her hips and grasped his length, positioning it at her entrance. “I still have the outfit,” she purred, watching his eyes turn crimson once more. The sight had her giggling. “You perverted old dog.”

With a quick peck on the lips, she sat up and impaled herself on his cock. Sesshoumaru let out a hiss and Kagome moaned.

Sesshoumaru’s hands slid down to her waist, guiding her movements as she began to ride him. Each rise and fall of her body sent waves of pleasure coursing through them both. Kagome’s nails dug into stripes on his hips as she picked up the pace.

“Fuck, you are perfect,” he groaned, his voice a mix of admiration and raw need.

Kagome’s response was a breathless cry, her head falling back as she lost herself in the rhythm of their lovemaking. The sight of her, completely absorbed in using his body and taking her own pleasure, made his beast crave more.

He tightened his grip now on her hips, helping her move faster. “That’s it, Kagome. Just like that.”

Their movements became more frantic, driven by an insatiable hunger for each other. Sesshoumaru’s youkai wrapped around her, amplifying the sensations, making every touch, every thrust more intense.

Kagome’s moans grew louder, mixing with his deep growls. The room was filled with the sounds of their cracking power and slapping of skin.

His hands roamed her body, one hand moving to her clit, circling it with his thumb while the other gripped her ass. “Come for me, Kagome,” he commanded, his voice rough with the need to see her unravel.

The combined sensations were too much for Kagome. She cried out his name as her orgasm crashed over her, her body trembling with the force of it. Sesshoumaru watched, mesmerized, as she came undone above him. The diamonds on the crescent moon around her neck sparkling each time the light from outside reflecting off of it.

Feeling her walls clench around him was his undoing. With a final, powerful thrust up, he buried himself deep and let go, his release filling her. He pulled her down for a searing kiss, their bodies still moving together as they rode out the last waves of their orgasms.

Panting, they finally stilled, Kagome fully collapsing onto his chest. Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they caught their breath.

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with contentment. “I love you, Sesshoumaru.”

“I love you, Kagome,” he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

As they lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, Sesshoumaru knew that this was where he was meant to be. With her, always.