Opaque by susie

Day 4: White

A/N:  This is a continuation to my one-shot Transparent.  It prob won't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't read it, but the good news is, its pretty short.  Not to mention, one of my favorites (hence, the sequel).  So for better context, maybe go read that first- or again, if you need a refresher XD

I might add this story to Transparent as a second chapter once all is said and done, but I haven't decided yet.

Written for SessKag Week 2021, Day 4: White


When the doorbell rung, Kagome's heart stopped.

She spent the last four hours trying to convince herself he wasn't coming, despite meticulously cleaning her house from top to bottom in preparation of his arrival.

Anxiety was a terrible thing to waste, so she put the energy into her chore as a form of a nervous distraction; but her denial had resulted in a complete lack of any type of game plan.

And now, he was here. At least she had a clean house.

The doorbell rang again.

The clock above the stove that had taunted her all evening read 10:30 sharp, and she threw the sponge in the sink, not liking her odds that someone just got a flat and needed to use her phone.

Peering down the hall, she confirmed that no light was coming out beneath Rin's bedroom door; and after giving her house -and herself- one last look over, finally made her way to the front door. She stopped to take a breath and wipe the sweat from her palms before swinging it open.

The impossibly handsome man standing patiently at her doorstep offered her a smile, and the reality of Sesshoumaru Taisho in her home caused a terrifying heat to settle in her stomach.

"Good evening, Kagome."

The sight of him in more casual clothing had Kagome pleased she'd changed her outfit- though she won't admit how many times- and she pushed aside the fleeting thought that he looked dressed up for a date.

"Wow," she said, giving him a solid once over, "I hardly recognize you without all the... water."

She winced, but breathed a sigh of relief when his tantalizing lips twisted into a smirk.

"Yes, I am told I dry off rather well."

He damn sure did.

Though, him soaking wet wasn't half-bad either.

Especially in a fitted white shirt.

Those were the kind of thoughts that got her into trouble in the first place, but despite her best efforts, the memory from that afternoon was not easily banished.

He waited in expectant silence a moment before arching a brow.

"May I come in?"

"Oh, yes." She shook herself, instantly stepping aside. "Of course."

Adrenaline surged as he crossed the threshold, nerves going haywire at what was coming next.

He'd been less than subtle in his office, but not entirely outright about what he intended here tonight.

It was possible she'd misread it, or that he had been teasing. She was still having a hard time believing he was there- and that she would even know what to do with him if he was.

He looked around with interest as he ventured inside her home, making her grateful for the effort she put in cleaning. When he began to remove his coat, she rushed after him.

"Principal Taisho-"

"I am not your daughter's principal tonight." His firm, commanding tone stopped her in place, and smoldering eyes kept her there. Gold glimmered in the low light, and she stared into them, awaiting permission to breathe.

"After 3pm, you may call me Sesshoumaru."

He extended his coat, and she immediately took it.

"Sesshoumaru, please let me apologize again for my daughter's behavior today."

"Rin may have pulled the trigger, but she was not the mastermind behind this afternoon's debacle."

Her stomach dropped when she turned from the coatrack and saw his condemning glare. She deflated shamefully.

"You must think I'm pretty awful for setting up my own kid."

"I think nothing of the sort," he assured her, returning his attention to her décor. "In fact, I am somewhat flattered."

That made her feel a little better, but quelled none of her embarrassment as he edged curiously toward the living room. Content to let him explore, she waited quietly while his golden eyes roved.

After a few moments, they cut down to her.

"Well?" he asked. "Are you going to give it to me?"

All she could do was gape as blue eyes widened expressively.

Failing to form words, she also forgot how to breathe as the calm man beside her gently lifted a brow.

"My shirt," he clarified.

Of course.

"Oh, yeah," she laughed nervously. "Duh. Just let me grab it. Please have a seat."

She directed him towards the couch before scurrying into another room. When she returned with a wrapped garment, she eagerly rushed it to him, presenting his shirt with a proud grin.

It immediately fell, however, at the face he made as soon as he laid eyes on it. Worry coursed through her at his disapproving look as he took the hanger from her possession.

Oh no.

"Is something wrong?" she asked nervously.

She went to the best cleaner she could find on short notice, and stressed the importance of getting this right. They'd done a great job as far as she could tell, and she was pleased to see the pristine white garment hadn't sustained any damage. Or so she thought.

"I did not intend for you to spend money on a cleaner."

Though he frowned in displeasure; Kagome relaxed.

"I would have done it myself, but figured I better not risk it." She offered a smile and took a seat beside him. "How terrible would I feel if I burned your nice shirt with my iron? I can be kind of a clutz."

As she waited for a reaction, her bottom lip weathered the brunt of his extended silence.

"So, are we even?" she asked hopefully.

"Not quite," he said, still assessing his shirt through the plastic. "Perhaps a drink would bring us closer."

When she failed to respond, he shifted his gaze to her coolly.

"To even."

"Uh, sure." She stood nervously, wiping her palms on her skirt in what she hoped was a discrete manner. "I can make some tea, or I have juice..."

"Can you make it stiff?"

She only stared back blankly, so he prompted; "Wine, perhaps?"

It still wasn't clear to her what his intentions were, and she hoped to drive him safely towards revealing them- without revealing herself.

"Aren't you driving home?"

He met her gaze pointedly, giving a smirk that shot a shiver up her spine.

"Not tonight."

Gooseflesh rose on her arms in an excitable panic as he began draping his shirt on the couch beside him. "I took an Oober."


The addendum steered his response back into ambiguous territory.

As he made himself more comfortable, she slouched in defeat, but forced a congenial smile.

"Wine it is."


A/N: Stay tuned for part 2 (which I guess is technically part 3...)