Sweet Nothings by FragmentedMatter

Chapter 1

Higurashi Kagome wasn’t surprised when a new café opened up several blocks from the shrine. These small mom-and-pop shops were becoming increasingly common in suburban areas – popping up everywhere in response to peoples’ wants and needs – and they were often well-received by the locals.

She had only walked past this particular storefront a hand full of times, but she hadn’t seen a single person come or go from the establishment during any of her travels, which was oddly curious. Perhaps the business wasn’t doing very well? It probably didn’t help that a global franchise was only a matter of steps from its front door, most likely stealing any of its clientele due to its offered speed and convenience. She hadn’t seen any advertisements for the little shop, which, Kagome suspected, didn’t help matters either.

But the café itself seemed quaint in Kagome’s eyes. There were no windows aside from the small slats in the shoji door, and the only indication that it was a café at all was the noren hanging above the doorway with the shop’s name: Sweet Nothings – a very North American name that most likely lost some of its meaning in translation but was still adorable all the same. A chalk board with crudely scrawled specials sat out front, and the names of lattes, curried buns, and sweet and savory pastries made Kagome’s mouth water.

Unfortunately, she had never had the time to stop in, but now, with her belly empty and her coin purse full, Kagome pushed open the shoji doors and entered.


Writing Prompt: This story is inspired by a writing prompt I found on Instagram that states, "A new takeaway near your house opens up but serves no food and has no menu. You decide to get a job there to see what's going on" (@writing_prompt_s_). While this prompt is what inspired me, I will be taking a few creative deviations.

A/N: Should I be starting another story? Of course not. Am I going to anyway? Of course. With the dark content I'm writing in Compatibility and with me needing a specific headspace to write Inevitability, I figured this story would be a fun and light alternative to release some of those creative energies. I've already drafted the first couple of chapters, so expect another update very soon. Can any of you guess who the shop owner may be? I hope you like the story, and I would love to hear your thoughts!