Mask by Darien


The pain you have caused me sesshomaru. the suffering you put me through all for your selfish gain proves to me what you are but not to others they only see the façade but I want them to see I want them to know. When that façade is released and revealed I may finally rest in peace as the one who was killed by their only and true love. Along as The one killed by your sword and the one killed for your selfish pride with. I must be truly pitiful.... You do not deserve my farewell or love which now turned to hate at least I wish it would . So as such....

I whisper this one last poem to you and may it curse you to wander never finding true love or happiness...

You wear a mask during day

But you take my soul by night

The way of the Taiyoukai

The devils pawn by night

May judgment fall upon you

May happiness leave you

May your soul weep for eternity

May you bones quiver in fear

The days masks shatters

reveals the true monster within

You beg forgiveness

On the inside while

Loss of the ones followers

The one you love killed

At least I thought you loved

My dream in faith at least

May your mask shatter

My dream be unveiled

I wont miss you... sesshomaru...but Ill always love you.