Reviews for Love is not Blind by Theores

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Saiya (Chapter 7) - Tue 12 May 2015

Wow Sesshomaru said Sorry. Now I've Read Everything!!!

Susy V (Chapter 7) - Tue 12 May 2015

youre killing me! this is such an awesome chapter! Will Kagome get to actually meet Inu papa? I wonder shat he would say if he saw how Sessh and Kagome interact and get caugh up in each other.

SilverInu93 (Chapter 7) - Tue 12 May 2015

sesshomaruyou should be able to tell she has not been in many if any relationships .


Mo (Chapter 7) - Tue 12 May 2015

That was a great cliffy, I so can't wait to read more.

p.s. I love The Sims.

No Uta (Chapter 7) - Tue 12 May 2015

O.M.G he apologized! Sesshomaru actually apologized to Kagome!  He did so to prevent her from having another seizure. How very thoughtful and observant. I did not see that coming at all. Socrates so was frightened of Kagome that he hauled his cat butt seeking comfort from Sessh. Poor cat! It seems the ice prince is warming up to the neko. Kagome certainly did tell the daiyokai off. He did deserve it. He went through her personal things. I am enjoying this spitfire attitude she has. It seems that Sesshomaru has both the ability to send her over the edge as well as soothe her. Nice cliffie, you TEASE!!! I can accept it. Especially since you'll be updating again today. Hell I'd accept it regardless. Really loving this story and their interactions.


hana sora (Chapter 6) - Tue 12 May 2015

Poor kagome!! The virgin also have a needs too lol.

Anonymous (Chapter 6) - Tue 12 May 2015

Another great chapter, I can't wait for the update. 

SilverInu93 (Chapter 6) - Tue 12 May 2015

thats embaricement there  but still good

Saiya (Chapter 6) - Tue 12 May 2015

Wow i Can see the Sparks a Flyin!!!

No Uta (Chapter 6) - Tue 12 May 2015

Bless you! Bless you and thank you for this update! Heck yuuuussssss I will continue to give you all the reviews you wish. Especially if it aids you in posting two chapters at a time tee hee. I laughed so hard at his thoughts about her truly being bipolar. He did have a point. Kagome will curse him out without giving it a second thought,  but was terribly timid in asking her attendant for a glass of water. I cannot believe Sesshomaru just flat out brought up her porn collection at lunch/dinner like that! That man has no shame! Poor Kagome hahaha. She must be dying to get the hell out of there omg!

No Uta (Chapter 5) - Tue 12 May 2015

I just realized  you've been updating! I cannot believe I didn't favourite this story dumb a$$ that I am. I am all caught up. Sesshomaru's reaction to her cat was priceless and to her porn collection. I never in a million years saw THAT coming. Kagome has porn saved on her pc flippin'  fantastic ha ha!  Hmmm... I've been pondering why she'd have videos of virgins having sex. My guess is she is also a virgin and is curious. I think it's hilarious Sesshomaru found her stash. I do like the tension you've created between them. They both seemed annoyed with each other. They both act like they cannot wait to be rid of the other, yet they cannot stay away. Sooooo he has taken her to grab a bite to eat at a high-end restaurant and the cat will be joining them ... priceless. This story just keeps getting better and better. 

Marie (Chapter 4) - Mon 11 May 2015

Well I'm happy to say I'm confused.  But happy.  How will this relationship develope

Anonymous (Chapter 5) - Mon 11 May 2015

Love your fanfic can't wait for the next chapter, hopefully it will be long.  Thanks for sharing.

Kimiko-chan (Chapter 3) - Mon 11 May 2015

Pls continue...pls continue... Please continue.. *keep chanting* XD

hana sora (Chapter 4) - Mon 11 May 2015

Kagome is real funny, damn her! XD

InumeT_FlyGirl (Chapter 4) - Mon 11 May 2015

I am so in love with this. They have such a cute interaction with each other. (I dig the thought of two soul mates having a sort of "magnetic" pull towards one another with no real explanantion) Its always so...exquisite and utterly romantic. BUt Yes to Greek Mythology! I named my turtle Homer...and the only reference peple got from it was the Simpsons -_____-.


Anyway. I cant wait for the next installment!



Saiya (Chapter 4) - Mon 11 May 2015

Hahahahahaha He did it for the Cat.

M (Chapter 4) - Mon 11 May 2015

Thanks for the shot out.  I loved this chapter and the subtle humor within it, can't wait for the update.

Saiya (Chapter 3) - Sun 10 May 2015

That was Great. So hahahaha Funny. Poor Sesshomaru!!

Saiya (Chapter 2) - Sun 10 May 2015

Awwwss hes so sweet.

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