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maricela (Chapter 76) - Tue 30 Sep 2014

glad you and you're family are fine. worth waiting for thank you.

Ankita (Chapter 75) - Tue 30 Sep 2014

\O/ hawww no updates T_T i keep checking my mail but it doesn't appear i'm in shock i hope everything is alright 

ashley (Chapter 1) - Tue 30 Sep 2014

Please update soon!!!! I love love this story 

Selenityhyperion (Chapter 7) - Sun 28 Sep 2014

YAY she kissed him. OMG I hated taking math in the morning, too. I had Calculus 3 and Differential Equations back to back from 7a til 11a and I LOVE math... but mornings suck!


Sessh did good... something girly works LOL


Selenityhyperion (Chapter 6) - Sun 28 Sep 2014

Bwuahahaha!! Miroku is totally going to help him get her... I hope! I love how he goes from his normal flirty self to Mr. Serious About Kagome.


Loving it!!!

Selenityhyperion (Chapter 5) - Sun 28 Sep 2014

Oooo Sesshy is getting more confidence! I love how she changed in front of him... but a drunk Sessh sitting in a hallway with an embarassed smile just maade my night!

Selenityhyperion (Chapter 4) - Sun 28 Sep 2014

More Sesshy sweetness! I have never tried vodka pong... never really drank much but I think that would be an interesting game for me and hubby this week!!

Selenityhyperion (Chapter 3) - Sun 28 Sep 2014

Sessh is so romantic sounding it nearly makes me sick - but it's so cute! He is totally getting hooked on Kagome!


Selenityhyperion (Chapter 2) - Sun 28 Sep 2014

Haha he doesn't even OWN a pair of jeans or a t-shirt does he?


Again with the boxers? EVIIIIL.



Selenityhyperion (Chapter 1) - Sun 28 Sep 2014

Sheet and boxers, eh? Too bad he is wearing boxers... LOL


Loving this story! Onwards to the next chapter!

dancingfingers (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

No fun. Seems like she couldn't give him a surprise unless she masks her scent thoroughly :) LOL

consuelo marquez (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

almost no one ever talks abot her period while they do it...or dont do "it". im very interested on what you plan on doing


consuelo marquez (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

almost no one ever talks abot her period while they do it...or dont do "it". im very interested on what you plan on doing


Loveyaa (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

Well things are just moving right along. They are quite the understanding couple. It is nice to see that Sesshoumaru still has his moments and that he hasn't completely lost all of who he is, they are working on parts of him, but you can't change who he is overnight. I wonder how they both will act with Kagome on her period. I can see it being an...interesting time. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Chie (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

I'm glad Kagome called him out on not trusting her. That really needed to be done, though Sesshoumaru still has a lot to learn.

Also saw it for a mile where this primal bloodlust would lead... Kinda hoped I was wrong, but no such luck, eh, beastie?

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

I wonder if he will forget how he hurt her with his insecurities and automatic thought she cheated?
I hope his father or Inu will not use that to break them apart - I know Kagome would probably not fall for it but now I am unsure if Sesshomaru would fall for it.

I am ecstatic to read another chapter - cannot wait for more!

Mcsnuffy (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

The story was good but now you made his character overly insecure, dominating,  untrusting,  selfish sex nympho. psychological doctors best friend and kagome went from out going free spirit party girl to a mother who has to baby and coddle his emotional tantrums idk i guess just feel like you made him bipolar but still read it

Patrine (Chapter 75) - Fri 26 Sep 2014

Ir seemed like they were together forever but it has been a couple weeks. At least the living thng. Wow. I really forgot how much time passed in this ff

dancingfingers (Chapter 74) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

LOL it took her a while to come to this decision. I'll wait for Sesshoumaru's reaction :)

laura (Chapter 1) - Thu 25 Sep 2014

I love this story, you are one of my favorite writers. I would love to have kagome meet sesshomaru's dad. That would be great. But love what your doing and I'm so glad that you are able to update so regularly. Keep up the super work! 

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