Omg Great story,love the dark Kagome. I mean LOVE IT. But why does she have to tell him sooon, or why does he butt in soon? Why did she let him into his sercets so soon? Are you plan on making this a short story? Idk it just seems like the story doesnt have enough to simmer. Its good and I love the story idea but i think its moving to fast. I dont feel like she would have so "willing" given him answers the way she did or her friend. I guess I thought this would go differently then most other stories like this. I miss the drama and little bit of waiting and fighting between the two. Alot people story seem to be lacking that alot and just getting staright to them becoming close. I thought you story would have the simmer factor but yeah as i said i do love dark kagome and the its a goood story. Thanks for writting and keep it up. I look forward to more of your work and the rest of the story.