So good!
Oh no, you can't leave it there. I enjoyed the many developments and unexpected turns. Though, I thought that perhaps Naraku has a grand plot yet to unleash on Sess and the Shikon Miko -- mystic ninja Sci-fi style!!! The new setting has such potential. I can't help but feel that there is more.... Anyway, I would love to read more if you continue. It was awesome! Perhaps we can plead for a visual companion or appendices???
I just finished reading your story and really enjoyed it! :) It would be interesting to see how you continue it, if you decide to.
so. i liked this, but some how it doesnt feel like an end. 1. we don't know if naraku ever did anything. I've always said if you bring a character into a fic you hafta do something with them in this fic you brought naraku out like a father figure to kanna and kagura, speaking about hwo the world was messed up and how Sess was called crazy, made it sound like he wanted to take over so they could leave and explore the world as it was, that many thought the same way. You opened a door and just kidna left that hanging there. To me that seems unresolved. also, sesshomaru in this last chapter seems almost borderline crazy, and kagome seems to both understand and agree just to agree. I kidna felt like, after reading it, that the naraku chapter could have been changed to a chapter where sess is thinking over everything, and looking for the jewel, in that crazy outside world. this i think would be cleaner, b/c now i'm all o.o what about Ku-face?
i dunno i'm not ranting, i still liked it but i feel like i'm still wanting more, like it's not finished.
This is so interesting! Please give us more! :)
Gasp. And just like that, there is now a sci-fi layer. This has just become one of my faves. I've oft wondered what could happen to S/K in stories when they are mated and live to see her time...but what happens then since they are immortal and after everyone eventually goes away? What happens as the world advances and society changes? The potential for this story is just so it! And I hope there is more than just one chapter left! Awesomeness!
Oh I see what you did there.... This story is great!! It has an interesting plot and I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Please update!
OMG!!! I read this chap twice! She got sealed after all! I had a feeling a magical sealing had to happen in order for it to be an age appropriate love story, but you threw me off the trail at the end of last chap. This story is amazing! And Jeni, I have to thank you for fulfilling a personal fanfic wish -- I have been waiting for a story where Izayoi is the vengeful, spiteful woman for a looonnngggg time bc it's not obvious and frankly, I get tired of Sess' mom always portrayed that way. I was hoping w/ Kukuchuu but will take it here. AWESOME chapter and I can't wait to see where this heads. So it!
0o0o0o0o0o0o0o!! i was wondering how this was going to be a romance! and izayoi a fallen shikon miko! Ha! that heffer!
WOOOW oh my gosh !!! so SOOOO good holy cowz supper good job
Awww.... such a great chapter. And a wonderful twist having Izoyai being the Shikon Miko.
Oh my, that went wrong fast. For a moment, I thought that Kagome was going to be sealed...who is the crazy woman?? I can't wait to find out what happens next. Update please - this is awesome!
oh my x= kagome, the things you get yourself into.
KAwww! I can just imagine a mini version Sesshomaru singing 'row row row your boat' to an even smaller Inuyasha!! Cute!
Please update! XD
Oh, this is so sweet especially peek a boo in the last chapter. Please more updates.
All the chapters are so cute.
Awww I'm in love!! THAT WAS ADORABLE!!!! XD
Your story is too cute for words, keep it up!
Awww... that's cheek-pinching cute!
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