Loving this story so far! As I type this I'm struggling to remember my password so I can favorite it. Thank you for sharing your creation.
Keep it coming.
Malova (Chapter 41) - Wed 07 Nov 2012
Ugh Inuyasha deserves it, disgusting man.
Both chapters are great, keep it coming.
ERMERGERD, I'm so glad you are back! :D Thank you for the updates that I have been longing for. Great job and I can't wait to see what will happen. X]
I'm so glad you are back and I can't wait to read more.
Keep it coming.
Wow. This story is absolutely intriguing. I really wish to find out more that is going to happen! Update, pleaaaaase!!!!
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming.
It's going to happen and I can just almost touch it! Thank you for posting again tonight! I feel almost wound tight and ready for what's going to happen next. You are doing so wonderful and I can't wait for more.
I'm so happy you had updated. I hope you post more tonight, I have to know what is going to happen. Sesshomaru saw the power and he has to do something! For the love of God, Kagome and Sesshomaru action or something!
Keep it coming.
*the poor guy.... And he was only trying to help..*
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming.
Keep it coming.
I rather like it, the constant POV changes are messing with me a little but it's still really good.
Keep it coming.
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