I am enjoying this story very much. I had some tears this last chapter, thank you for bringing shippou back. And the quick updates are very appreciated cant wait f9r the next chapter
Brownie points achievement unlocked
cant wait for the next chapter! you left us at a cliff hanger!!
Yay Sessho!!!
So excited to see where u will go with this. Update soon please!!
Thank god Sess is saiving Shippou :3
Poor Kagome :(
Thanks for the update! <3
So sad but over all a good chapter.
Keep it up, keep it coming.
How God Created MotherGood took the fragrance of a flower,The majesty of a tree,The gentleness of a morning a dewThe calm of a quiet sea,The beauty of a twilight hourThe soul of a starry nightThe laughter of the rippling brook,The grace of a bird in flight,Then God fashioned from these thingsA creation like no other,And when His masterpiece was through,He called it simply...MOTHER.Happy Mother's Day!
You can never disappoint . By why?:(
this is so good! Awww I feel bad now, but amazing story !
Sesshomaru the jerk....not cool.
Great update!
I can’t believe Shippou’s dead… And Sess turning away so easily… :( you actually made me cry…
Thanks for the update <3
yesss! imagine how pissed kagome will be if/when she finds out that sesshoumaru could've helped her. cant wait please continue :D
Wonderful story!!!! I absolutely love it!
NOOOOO!!! why did he have to die?:(
I realy love this story...> A <...it's always make my heat "doki-doki"...
So please make more "doki-doki" moment...
But, please don't kill shippo...TT--TT...
sorry! I guess I wasn't logged in... that was me below lol
oooooooooh myyyyyyyyyy KAMI! You can't do that tome!lol my heart is beating so fast right now, update soon so I don't die of suspense haha
Great chapter can't wait for the next one!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the update, looking forward to the next one.
No.... Not Shippou.... Please....
An amaizing chapter!
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