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Anoria (Chapter 1) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

HAHAHAH, ohmiigawd! You HAVE to update quickly with the next chapter. I have to know how this turns out. I don't know if it's the lack of sleep or not but this made me laugh so hard. Like the uncontrolled snort laughter. I haven't reviewed for your story yet, which I should have. I have an account it's just I'm too laaazy. ANYWAYS. I LOVE this story. I keep track of it everyday to see if you've updated it. Post QUICKLY P:

With much loove~

Pricila (Chapter 48) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

It is wonderful to be young and carefree!  LOL. Poor Sessh had no idea what he was coming home too.  Just when he thinks he's got her figured out she does the unexpected!  I always say its good to keep men on their toes even if you've been together for many years.  hahaha.  I'm sure that Sessh, although shocked to find her so, appreciated what he saw. . . Maybe minus the dancing but the. Again he might have lied how her hips swayed.  >^.^<

Ashes (Chapter 48) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

This is probably my favorite chapter so far. I luv it! Mostly because you described how great it is to have the sun on all of your skin. *sigh*

Duchess Of Darkness (Chapter 4) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

All I have to say was DAWWWWWWWWWW


Duchess Of Darkness (Chapter 1) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

Buahaha....I came back to read over this again cause i havent read this i like...Forever and No I remember how much I love this story. I dare say how much i adore the demon lords have an uncanny ability to make it seem like you interviewed the actually demon then simply imitate him...good job then....GREAT JOB NOW!!!

I plan to catch up on a lot of my reading and pull my head out of my usually smuts for a while...well not for long...on for a bit...*stuff face back into novel* sorry thats as long as i can go without smutty smut....XD ..hehe i kid


Fluffy Lady (Chapter 48) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

BAHAHAHAA!!! OMIGAWD! That was hilarious....

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 48) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

this made me giggle i wonder what his thoughts were!

KT (Chapter 48) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

OMG, I was just going to close the page without reviewing, but no, this chapter deserves so much more. It was awesome. Poor Sesshoumaru, the music must have been hurting his ears the whole night. But bothe Kagome and Sesshoumaru were too embarrased :P

Ha ha I cant wait to see the awkwardness that occurs after this event. Amazing chapter!

Chaos Ninja (Chapter 48) - Sat 14 Jul 2012

Ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! -Falls to the floor- hahahaha!! -Gasps for breath.- Ahahaha! Can't....breathe!! Oh my gosh, that took me a second to stop laughing so that I could continue reading! I know I'm lame, but I suppose I am a bit sadistic in my humor. :3 Hehe, Sesshy's home WAYYYY earlier than he thought. 

All silliness aside, I just wanted to say that your timing is phenominal! I had just been worrying that we might not get an update for a while since Sesshoumaru was supposed to be gone so long, and literally 3 seconds later (really, I am NOT exagerating), I got the email saying you had updated! How awesome it that. ^_^

toolazytosignin (Chapter 48) - Sat 14 Jul 2012


Lazurite (Chapter 47) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

Hurray! I'm caught up... wait... Oh no! I'm caught up! And he's going to be gone for at least a week?

That was sweet again... it's like she's forgotten again that she's already had her head in his lap... turnabout is fair play and all...

So yeah, still have some of the same concerns as the previous chapter...

Lazurite (Chapter 46) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

Okay this is hard... I have nothing against this chapter on its own, but I'm sort of sensing a problem. I get the feeling you have chapters written ahead so I mostly want to just trust you and hang in there. I really love this story and just want to keep my mouth shut, because I don't know you and don't know if really want to hear what I would say. It is well-meant though, but I don't want to leave it in a comment.

Lazurite (Chapter 45) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

He almost sounds happier to see Sesshoumaru. Next time she should get him a Gibson, then she can be as late as she wants and he'll never know the difference. 

The way she was looking at that store clerk, it was like she was the one more like her feudal era self!

Lazurite (Chapter 44) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

Oh! That was so sweet! I usually don't go for sweet, but this story is making me break all my rules. When he said he thought about renting a boat, I thought, why don't they just go out alone, so now I'm very happy. It does make me miss the lake though, I know just what kind of night you mean. I used to love going out really early in the morning when it's very still and the water is like glass, and the fog sits on the water like it's solid. It's like skimming over a mirror, everything reflected perfectly.

Lazurite (Chapter 43) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

Ayumi laughed? Are you using her in a different story? I'm guessing you meant Souten.

Ha! I loved the innocently casual line about the massages. Tala and Souten are probably thinking the same thing as Eri, that being, "Are you sure you're not sleeping with him?" 

For a second there when she said, "I like looking young," it sound more like, "I like looking like me" as in not Kikyo. Going back to the first chapter when she was deciding who to dress as makes it feel circular and kinda cool. Will she keep up with the new hair, though? Hm...

I can just hear the awe in, "Uncle Sesshoumaru is fast." That's so cute and he's so casual in revealing how he punished Inuyasha and Shippou, it's really funny! 

Lazurite (Chapter 42) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

A strange fish! I love the way they interact now. What did happen to the beads anyway? I thought about that back at the Thanksgiving chapters and then forgot about it.

Lazurite (Chapter 41) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

She was sleeping with her head in his lap on Cat Day and now they're being all awkward about sharing a room? LoL

Lazurite (Chapter 40) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

Even if Eri is jealous, it doesn't mean she's not right. So this chapter had me going back and forth believing he was going to find the test and think it was Kagome's. Then I told myself to stop being dumb and give you (and Sesshoumaru's nose) more credit than that. Still, I'm glad you resolved that all in this chapter and didn't leave it dangling.

Lazurite (Chapter 39) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

I know it was just a little anecdote, but your Touga sounds amazing and I love Touga stories. I want more! So many authors write him as inexplicably cruel or as a raging man-whore, and T/K tends to be squicky more often than not.

Lazurite (Chapter 38) - Fri 13 Jul 2012

I'm kind of confused, you keep saying "on Nago" but I thought Nago was a city in Okinawa? Is there an island named Nago that I don't know about?

The tongue thing seems suspiciously like foreplay. If she's not careful, he might be pinching it between his fangs one of these days, instead of his claws.

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