How very Kagome.
I am so nervous.
I can just imagine girl!Sesshomaru being cuddled against his will, lol lol lol
Ooh, this is really interesting. I especially enjoy how Sesshome was upset until Kagomaru admitted he didn't want Miroku to touch her, because it offended her pride that he didn't care. It's a really great inversion of the usual Sesshoumaru not wanting anyone to touch Kagome.
And clearly the plot thickens with this chapter!
Look forward to reading more. Already a favorite.
It's been a very long time since I've read fanfiction, but I found myself reading this today and didn't stop until the very last update! This story is so wonderful. I love seeing the male version of Kagome and female version of Sesshomaru. Hehe, Kagomaru and Sesshome I should say. You've done a wonderful job of keeping them in character, even though they are so different. The slow pace you set between them really drew me into the plot line, and I found myself REALLY liking Kagomaru! I love how he tries to keep tabs on his undeniable yearning for Sesshome.
This is so sweet and entertaining! So glad I read this awesome story, and hope to read more soon!! ::marked as favorite::
Love it!
This is awesomeeeee, I can't believe I just found this piece of work :D Pleaseeeee you muts continue!!!
Hmm...I wonder where this is going now. My interest is peaked. I do enjoy how they play off each other but throwing in someone who forces them closer would be wonderful and quite interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Oh snap! I wasn't expecting the daughter to be Izayoi!
Well played.
Hahaha...they are fighting against each other to not focus so much on the fight against themselves. I like that you have them trying (either trying to not give in or trying to get the other to give in). I can't wait to see what happens next and the inevitable fall :)
Ooo!! I wonder who it is! Prease update soon!
Figures that Kagome would still be oblivious when she's a guy. :)
Sigh... Why do you have to be such a tease, forthright? Prease update soon! It's getting to the sweet stuff! Romantic kagomaru trying to take his dear vicious and emotionally confusing sesshoume lol
Aww! Omg, I love this! She's starting to warm up to him. This is totally how sesshoumaru and kagome would act if ever he roles had been reversed. Rocking' job, forthright!
Aww, poor Sessh, she needs reassurance in her off balance world, poor girl. Loved this though
i thinkthats the first official sorta kinda D'Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww moment
Awww! How sweet! Sesshoume totally wants kagomaru to rub against her tonight. C: I'm so glad you updated this one, forthright! Please continue!
why do you call her sesshoume-SAMA? isn't that too formal for a spousal relationship?? why not sesshoume-san?? And, I think Japanese people use last names if they are not so familiar with each other... I know that sesshoumaru does not have a last name, but it has bothered me that in all your stories you used a really formal and "respected" affix to his name, when Kagome's (rather, their) relationship has changed from "strangers" to something akin to intimate.
Other than this grammatical babble, i very much enjoy your stories. (hence I have followed your stories thus far).
But please consider my advise. thx
o00o0o this is the first genderbender that i've read and you are doing amazing i think :) I like how even tho their sex is switched their personalities are still the same :D update soon
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