I actually quite dislike it when people make being hanyo a literal genetic inferiority. It feels like its validating the inherent prejudices that yokai & ningen have for each other. I prefer the prospect that hanyo have just as much of a right to live there lives as anyone.
So I've been rereading this and I was wondering if you plan on ever finishing it? I'm really curious to see where it goes! If I was in Kagomes shoes, I think I'd literally just turn inwards and act like a robot.
Inuyasha calling Sesshoumaru a "dirty, creepy bastard" is probably the funniest thing I've ever read lol. Now I'm cackling madly but cannot hope to explain the joke without seeming crazy....oh well
Hope for more updates
Thank you for sharing. The more I read, the more I love!
Hey, I want you to know that how much I love my favorite trio who portrayed by you....and respect for the your mature values about sexual relationship between the main couple of this fic(Certainly a sex without reciprocal agreement feels like the rape, not the making love). Sincerly. At least as far as I can tell, Kagome is not childish. She merely trying to handle two BIG dog..Sesshoumaru is........lol. He looks like an icy arrogant PRINCE as always. But seems to he trying to treat well his life mate. (He is not mere an asshole after all) And Inuyasha! Feeling SO sorry n sad every time I read his painful moments cause I love him just like Kagome though he often acts stupid ;P Hope you doing well&considering about updating. I REALLY REALLY miss you and your fics.
I reread this this week and I just wanted to let you know it's still a favorite and I hope everything is going good for you and you come back to fanfiction soon
Wish this wasn’t abandoned
Finally starting to go somewhere.
This was a pretty good chapter and I enjoyed the end with Rin. Maybe it will help Kagome open her eyes and yes she needs better clothes. I'm surprised she hasn't realised herself she dresses wrongly in this time period yet.
I am enjoying that you are keeping it real with Sango and Miroku still being afraid of Inuyasha. It would of been quite unrealistic if they weren't. I'm not sure how Miroku is able to do what he did since he was tortured and killed. Sango is spot on keeping away from him. Your story just keeps on getting better. Kagome needs a reality check badly that she isn't capable of taking care of herself in front of other suitors and Sesshomaru is her best shot. He should let her try to defend herself against a suitor from time to time to really drive the point in for her to realize how lucky she actually is being chosen by Sesshomaru! Kagome seems to ignore the fact many youkai will be chasing her and trying to rape her and that he has been quite nice and doing nice things and saved her friends and doing things for her because she wants them.
Really enjoying the fact Kagome and Sesshomaru can attempt at progress despite Kagome refusing to give Sesshomaru any benifit of the doubt like she does for everyone else in her life. Lovely story still! Poor Sesshomaru, he deserves someone better
finally some good progress for these two!
ugh too much inuyasha kagome romance ......is it really a sessxkag romance at this point? It's more like Inuyasha and Kagome going to the ends of the earth against all odds and try and defy fate to remain lovers even though he killed their friends and almost killed her. Sesshomaru is her consolation prize for not getting Inuyasha and even then.......its looking pretty grim with the constant Kagome throwing herself to Inuyasha and vice versa. Still an epic story but doesn't feel it's meant to be for sees x kag at all
Thank you Sango!!! Inuyasha knows how dangerous his youkai form is....he shouldnt downplay his losing control that badly.... ever.... shows how irresponsible and uncaring of concequences around him, he is! your writing is brilliant!!
I am loving this progress so much!!!! Still hating Kagome's ridiculous denial. I hope Miroku and Sango aren't as delusional. You are an amazing writer!
really Kagome? Sango is dying because of Inuyasha....you were almost killed by him....Sesshomaru was constantly attacked by him and challenged but the only thing you care about is if he's alive? What if he survived and not Sesshomaru? You'd be dead.
I really do not understand Kagome obsession with Inuyasha and forgiving him about all those lies and mentally trying to work around trying not to male him a bad guy for doing that. It screams abusive relationship when you are always excusing your others actions...like how Inuyasha treated Kagome while Kikyo was alive and only wanted Kagome once Kikyo was dead and now all these lies.....The girl preaches about women being strong independant but she is the total opposite, needing Inuyasha every second and excusing him for everything :/ I am team Sesshomaru and hope Kagome has to seek out his protection once Kagome gets attacked by Inuyasha
I would vote on Inuyasha being with kikyo then succumbing to his demon blood and his own group having to kill him as such is the reality of demon blood in a hanyou. Inuyasha is too selfish and cowardly from having kept so much from the group to take his own life. But I'm sure much has already been written!
I really don't understand Kagome....she finds out Inuyasha has been keeping knowledge about her making full blooded youkai from her and the heritage of youkai and yet she still always wipes his slate clean and forgives him for everything wrong he ever does...
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