I would be happy to read a sequel to this story,this was great
Honestly, I would happier & willing to do almost anything for a version of this story where they could be with each other for ever & if as a Mistress of the Shrine or whatever Kags is the only thing that would be better would be if .......due to a legend of some sort 1 shrine mistress every 1,000 years is born with a special mark or so & since it has been just over 1,000 yrs any female child born of a shrine mistress & the female infant with this power that has an unusual mark on her body is tested at birth & every year after to see if she has the ability,only if Mated to a powerful demon where love is involved will birth pure bred demons, more powerful than their demon father & with additional special powers of somekind & if there isn't love involved the child will be still be born pure bred but may not have additional special powers....it is believed that strength of the loves determines the strength of the additional special powers or the lack of the additional powers,it is also believed if it's Mating for life with love then the strength of the additional powers is unimaginable.......(the mark is to be covered at all times so noone knows who the one is)
of course if Kags was the one in 1.000 yrs born with the power,(her mark hidden with a spell so it would only show if mated) & Sessh is still the Lord & they've known each other since they were kids & he'd always loved her....& she always loved him but always believed it impossible until he comes to her & admits his love,so does she...they get permission & once they mate her mark appears.............Okay ,sorry about that babbling insanity,it happens at times when I read a story by a writer who's writing moves me so that I can't control my brain & then somehow I end up typing whatever craziness my mind comes up with-------all I ask is that you ignore or disregard everything but the 1st sentence.
Omg that was such an intense chapter. I have never read a story like that where Kagome is so evil/intense! I think you should post this at www. justexpressing .com!