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LordMaru (Chapter 11) - Tue 17 Apr 2012

YAY!!! and update!!!! Im so happy!!! please next chapter something to do with the subject of pups!!!!! XD

Ashes (Chapter 11) - Sat 24 Mar 2012

I like it!

"Which part?" I felt so much for Kagome and at the same time was thoroughly amused. Well played.

His Lady (Chapter 11) - Sat 17 Mar 2012

hmmmmmmm seems like they r gettin closer =) i can not wait to read more hopefully soon too ;)

baka_juju2000 (Chapter 11) - Fri 02 Mar 2012

This story is just awesome! Can't wait to read more! Here's to hoping you update soon (and often) lol. Love it! Keep up the good work!

Princess (Chapter 11) - Thu 01 Mar 2012

I loooooove it, their relationship is so endearing and cute. I want to read more! Mooooooooooooooooooore. I'll be waiting for the next update. You're a great writer<3

Alexandra (Chapter 11) - Fri 24 Feb 2012

AWWW! I'm so glad that you updated!!! XD

What an adorable chapter! I really like how they are growing closer together. It's a little slow, but it's cute and sweet how awkward they are towards each other. I can't wait to read more!!!

RubyJeweler (Chapter 11) - Thu 23 Feb 2012

A new chapter to love. (; It's great that Sesshomaru reassured Kagome about his future "mate" problem. This story is coming along fabulously well. It lures us in through your descriptive words and plot.  I am happy to have been caught in this story's web. LOL.

mangageek (Chapter 11) - Thu 23 Feb 2012

I really love how this story is goig and i really can't wait for more.

Loveyaa (Chapter 11) - Thu 23 Feb 2012

Ohh poor Kagome. It does seem like she is too good for her own good. But clearly that can lead to her being blinded to what is actually happening (nudge nudge her engagement). It's interesting though to see that Sesshoumaru is understanding her more. I can't wait to see Kagome understanding Sesshoumaru a bit more and tailoring her behaviors and actions to that. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

1CarinoInu (Chapter 11) - Thu 23 Feb 2012

Such a transistional chapter, in my opinion.  Kagome is beginning to realized more and more that though their relationship is one of convenience, eventually they may have to go separate ways.  Being true to her character, she decides to leave and give Sesshomaru his freedom.  I am so glad that he told her 'no.'

I think Sesshomaru is slowly (like a snails pace slow) beginning to realize that he likes having her in his life and would never let her go, but he hasn't figured out why yet.  His mind has even gone towards the subject that will eventually come up by family, and I wonder how they will address that? 

Loved the Moko-moko scene.  Love the fluff!

As always, enjoy any and all updates from your stories.  Keep 'em coming.

Caleesci (Chapter 11) - Thu 23 Feb 2012

Love love love love love this! Your talent is breathtaking! I have you on alert, so when I see that you have updated I don't think I could load dokuga fast enough to see what you had done. You are truly a gift to this community :)


Loveyaa (Chapter 10) - Mon 20 Feb 2012

I like how they are slowly becoming closer. With Sesshoumaru using his instincts (or being forced to) and Kagome using her friends. Its these little things that start first and make it believable. I can't wait to see where you go from here and what happens next :)

Selazul (Chapter 10) - Mon 06 Feb 2012

Oh I just had to go back and retread this again. Still love the whole premise of the story but I can't wait for more daily life cute tidbits. I suppose with the whole 'Kagome has her own 'rooms' there's less chance for interaction... But what of there was like water damage or something and they were forced to cohabit the same 'rooms' merely closer proximity....

Yulimon (Chapter 10) - Fri 27 Jan 2012

great story so far, wonder how inuyasha will react when he finds out his brother married his ex fiance? you are absolutely correct in saying so many things could happen! and i cant wait to see what does. 

His Lady (Chapter 10) - Wed 25 Jan 2012

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you finally updated i have been waiting for this to get updated hopefully u update soon

Jay_chAn (Chapter 10) - Tue 24 Jan 2012

I LOVE your story!!! 

I re-read it about three times last night lol, iit's just too cute!!

Hope you update soon!!!! X)

Alexandra (Chapter 10) - Tue 24 Jan 2012

AWW! I love the bonding between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. They are so cute together!


I'm glad you updated! Please update again soon!

RubyJeweler (Chapter 10) - Tue 24 Jan 2012

Kagome acts like such a child! Which is simply adorable! So, keep it coming. Heheheheheh...

Thank you for the update. I will be looking forward to the next one. xD

Selazul (Chapter 10) - Tue 24 Jan 2012

Yesssssss I am soooo excited that you updated! I love love love this story and cannot wait to see what happens next!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 10) - Tue 24 Jan 2012

part of me totally pictures kagome behind his body kinda like a monkey in this :3 very cute! more please!

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