It's such a cute story. I love thelr interactin with eache other also with other. I wonder what will happen after their mating workin in the same plce , families meeting. Thank you so much for writing this. I really needed it.
" i think the jig is up!" personality! i'd give you an award for most amazingly amusing personalites in a fanfic!
:sniggers: Gotta agree with Souta: the jig is definitely up! :laughs: Only if they're going for "presentation of a normal family" though!
Thanks so much for writing!
What a lovely chapter. :) I love the end, it was very romantic. <3
Aweeee issocute! Great job with this story! It makes me smile all day long! X)
I'm so glad I found this! Seriously, you have no idea how much it made my day to see this!!! :D I remember findin this on a different site with only a few chapters and hadn't been updated since 2010, and I remember how much I loved it and how disappointed I was that the story wouldn't be continuing. So I was VERY happy today to find this, and with so many more chapters to it too! Yay!!!
Its so cute!!!! I think I might cry when this story comes to an end which seems to be pretty soon by the looks of it :)
Awww that was ceratainly worth the whole, long waiting! I enjoyed the spice Shippo added to that chapter, just a little cherry on the top. Wonderful work!
OMG! Just noticed I'm 100 reviewer! Congrats for you ;)
That was absolutely adorable. Kagome and Sesshoumaru really do make the perfect match and I quite like this style of writing, little portions to look forward to instead of trying to take in everything at once. Wonderful story =).
I loved it! c:
Nice chapter! Kagome's embarrassment due to Shippou was cute. Looking forward to the next chapter. :)
Oh my god. Well if SHE didn't melt, I did!
Gotta love Shippo :)
LOVE IT!!!!!!
that is utterly adorable :3
Aw, I love this s much! I can't wait for whats next
Sesshomaru the poet! Love it!
Thanks for writing.
I literally squeeled when I saw this updated, it is one of my favorites, thank you! Also, just too cute for words, I got the warm fuzzies after reading the last bit!
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