Why am I so mad at Sesshomaru for sleeping around. Gah.
I don't like that Kagome had to apologize, but I think I'm always partial to having Sesshomaru prostrate himself on the ground.
A girl can dream.
I'd been wondering where this scene was from!
The white shirt red bra rain hojo scenes has caused many a sleepless night full ofhysterical giggles.
Incredible, so much emotion in one chapter. I look forward to the next update :)
Awww! so cute! One of my favorite chapters :D
I absolutely adore this story! Can't wait for more!
I'm so glad that wasn't the end...Every time I read this--I like it more!
I'm glad that they made up and that the story isn't over. =)
YES!!! I do like it when Kagome and Kikyo can be nice to each other. I like the fighting when it is called for but there are so few stories where they actually get along and Kikyo not trying to kill Kagome. Great chapter, Fantastic fic!
I'm glad Kagome finally came to her senses. That's a relief. I can see how things would come to a stalement. Perhaps Naraku will be the catalyst for an improved relationship. ^_^
This is a really good story! I can't wait for your next update:)
I love your story. A pretty orignial plot, all in all but the way you write keeps me [and i'm sure other readers] entertained!
Kagome's character here is wonderful, I love the fact that she's sticking up for herself even though she can be quite stubborn.
Sesshoumaru has warmed up to her and obviously now thinks of kagome as his......it's nice to see that you've kept him pretty much in character. The storys that have him completely off just seems wrong, and fake.
I also like the fact that kikyo has a good attitude here........although i'm not adverse to having kikyo's character as it in the anime, it's nice to have a change in place, where she's not over shadowing the story with her hate for kagome.
Well i'll good forward towards your next update!
Simply wonderful.. I really like this story. I hope to see an update on it soon. HugsAlpine ^_^
The title of this chapter really fits. Almost. Damn.
Pleeeease update this quickly. I can't take the suspense. IT's killing me *cries*
Thanks for updating it, and please, feel free to do so again soon.
Ah, now I see why Kagome was so upset with Sesshoumaru. Without knowing it, he basically invited Naraku to believe that Naraku had a right to her bed. Well, Sesshoumaru screwed it up, so he should fix it and kick Naraku's ass. LOL He did it in ignorance, so I do believe that Kagome shouldn't keep holding onto her anger at him. It's not his fault that Naraku is a bastard. She can't keep blaming him for that.
Also, her logic in believing that Sesshoumaru threatened her independence when he tried to help her is terribly flawed. Wasn't she already looking for help? She's simply prejudiced about where the help is coming from. That is extremely unfair to Sesshoumaru. If she is afraid that he will try to dominate her, she should own up to her fear and stop making excuses. I really want to slap her for blaming Sesshoumaru when it is her own fear, pride, and self-righteous arrogance that is riding her ragged. A simple "Thank you, but don't expect any special favors" would have been good manners, respectful, mature, and would have settled the matter then and there--no muss, no fuss. I was enjoying the fic quite a bit until Kagome went all emo-bitch. It just seems out of character with how she was previously portrayed. If she's PMS'ing, then I could understand.
I hold nothing against Sesshoumaru for sleeping with other women, but he shouldn't be bringing them home with Rin there--not with the current social censorship. One complaint and a social worker here would yank Rin away from him so fast that it wouldn't be funny. He needs to get a hotel room. Heheh. What people do in the privacy of their own homes should be private, but 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World', ne?
Well, I hope Kagome grows some mental and emotional muscles real soon and stops taking out her fears on Sesshoumaru.
Awesome chapter. I loved the fluffyness :D
This. Is . SOO Good. I LOVE it! Please update again soon~ I was so sad at that I hate you line. No thank you at all. Or at least a .. nevermind, just me ranting. :p
Thank you for updating.
I look so forward to your updates!
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