Reviews for Unspoiled by forthright

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Noodles (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

I must say I find some of the best fanfiction that I have read and enjoy are those that incorporate true dog instinct and behaviour into the story.  Well done I love this story.

Rachael (Chapter 89) - Sat 19 Feb 2011

This is so adorable~! I...LOVE a lot of the chaprters of this story. In fact, it actually trumps all others as my favorite, except for Frivlous Sentimentalities (which comes as close second...if it were longer it could rival this). I really want to say this is my favorite chapter, but there are so many cute ones from his childhood too. That aside though, Im so happy I decided to read this now rather than later~

Thanks as always for the excellent update ~


Rowdys girl (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011


no, you can't just stop it there and make me wait A WHOLE WEEK to find out exactly what her gesture meant and what the next step will be! *jumps up and down in frustrated excitement*


Samantha (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

I really love how this is progressing!  The way they speak to each other is just how I would picture Sesshoumaru and Kagone speaking to each other.  In stories that are trying to keep with the Sesshoumaru character sometimes they go over board and make him say weird stuff and her call him fluffy-kun or something.  I love how he is being so affectionate, but with a hint of royality feeling to it!  Please keep up the great work.  I love this story.  I know I say it a lot, but you are truly an amazing writer.

Shezna (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

*squees loudly and cheers* I love this sooooo much EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHHEHE *bounces in happy circles* sooo much love ^.^

Kitten (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

Oh baby! *fans self* That was hot!


Thank you so much for writing! Your Sesshoumaru is so perfect.



laenfante (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

That...left me utterly breathless...(fans self). Such a tender courtship, all the nervous hesitation of blossoming romance. Ah, you bring back memories...

L-desu (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

progress is soooo sweet!

Connie (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011


Manatee (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

wooohooooo *happy giddy dance*.  I loved that ending!  Great chapter, thank you!

C.Nichole (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

I think...I just melted into a pile of goo and died. But what a glorious death it was! Wow. I hope you don't ever doubt the sincerity of these kinds of comments because you-are-continually-outdoing yourself! Just absolute, pure enjoymen over here. Wow. WOW. Kagome, what have you gone and gotten yourself into! Also, goofed has to be one of the most hilarious words in the world that and yam, which has nothing really to do with this at all.

When I first started reading this story, I wasn't sure I'd like it- I mean, how compelling can a romance be when a great deal of it is in a past where one of the characters is a child? Yeah, colour me purple and green because I think this is up there with one of my favorite stories period, fanfiction or not. It's just so subtle and seductive, really wraps itself around your mind in ways you don't think a story can until you find yourself sitting by your computer giggling and laughing and crying like a fool.

If you ever do this professionally, please share because I would pay for this kind of literary entrtainment!

Okay, fawning over for now.

Thank you! So enjoyable!


Naomi (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

My heart is going 'thump thump thump'...this is SO SWEET!

T ^ T  Sesshomaru is finally acting the way he used to and not holding back as much =]

I'm so happy for them. 



Darcy (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

This was the best break I've had from writing my thesis all semester; I squee-d like a little girl.  Brilliant chemistry!

soulNchantress (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

I loved the translation of his song!

If that was the only song he could come up with, I would imagine that he memorized that one with her in mind.  I'm sure his father taught it to him in the hopes that he would sing it to his future mate.  How suprised he would have been if he knew that it would be Kagome that he ended up with despite his wanting rid of her.

I just adore the interactions between Sesshomaru and Kagome.  It's like puppy love, but so much deeper and sweeter.

I love this story!

khayos-sama (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

*dies* I dont think this stupid smile is going to leave my face for a while. OMGZ x4264623636 billion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rereading. Probably a couple times tonight. whew *waves self*

FourShotChild (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

And, I'm squeeling like a girl (which I am). Thank you for the wonderful chapter!

Also, I added you this story to my favories on I couldn't resist the temptation.

Until next time!

Fox (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011




Best. Chapter. EVER. Omgiloveyuosomuchfdsaggdf

satoshii (Chapter 89) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

Hey, I've been a fan for a couple years, but I don't think I've actually ever reviewed a story of yours. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you taking the time to write these fantastic stories! Please keep it up because it that email alert is something I always look forward to. Thank you. :)

Shinji Nishizono (Chapter 88) - Fri 18 Feb 2011

I adore this story, and I can't wait until you update.

Ashes (Chapter 88) - Thu 17 Feb 2011

Your writing makes me so happy. It's the nice kind of peaceful happy that accompanies snuggles. I like how Inuyasha isn't a bad guy and all the characters are so well represented. Well done yet again. I eagerly await the next chapter.

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