Oh dear. This was hilarious. You had me screeching, guffawing, wincing and then reaching for brain bleach when it came to Jaken/Sess. And poor Miroku, being so undersized. The only human male and he's not representing the species well. :(
Oh gosh!
im scard for life from my mental image of Jaken and Sesshomaru together!
but even so, this was hilarious!
Oh my, that was funny and disturbing! Jaken and Sesshoumaru?! Ugh, that's not coming out of my mind for awhile. Hilarious, so glad my fiance isn't home else he'd be looking at me like I lost my last few remaining marbles while I sat here and laughed at my laptop ;)
this story was simply bizarre.....a little too bizarre.....................& putting Jaken in with Sessh made it kinda sick
It's 6 am and here I am ROFL!! Oh, that was just so bad, hilarious, but bad. Jaken and Sesshomaru? Ugh!! That's a picture I'm not going to be able to forget for awhile, AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! My brain just fried itself!!!
Haha that was the funniest thing I have ever read!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
::dies from overload of snickering laughter::
I love crackfic.
Urgh, this is really bad, you´ve succeded. Kagome as a shrew, Sango the prude with a harem and poor little Shippo as hentai. The worst part has to be the Sesshoumaru & Jaken affair. *shudders in disgust*
Hahaha That was funny! I wonder what the puppies would look like.
Oh wow! :D Haha! that really was crazy bad! Sango was so nuts xD but I loved it! Sesshou is gunna get fixed :P poor him.
LS LMAO im still laughing about this. Too funny! Now we must convince PS to post hers. Great job as always!
actually, the part about Sess/Jaken reminds me of a piece of fanart that I came across once... explicit Jaken/Sess... it was kind of like a trainwreck... couldn't look away, no matter how much I wanted to.
You were right. IT IS AWFUL! HILARIOUS, but awful!
Hahaha i love it sooooo much Lady S! Its so funny!
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