The story is very interesting I am enjoying reading it. Will you please update soon. I can not wait to see how Kagome and Sesshomaru mothers meeting goes. So please update soon,
UPDATE PLEASEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this storyline! I keep coming back to reread it. Will you be finishing this storyline? It's truly an interesting fic.
Love this story, have been reading it for a long time, hope you finish this story or update it.
Gaaaaa! Please update! I love this story so much, the characters are amazing, in their own ways. Kikyo is a butt, and I can't wait until karma really gets her back, Inuyasha...well he needs to be hit a couple more times, Touga needs to realize his love for Sesshomaru's mom and dump Izayoi, while Kagome and Sesshomaru are amazingly portraied. I really hope you deside to pick this story back up, I really do love it.
next chapter please
Please continue. I love this story have read it several times.
I really hope you pick this story back up. I want to see the reaction of that witch who wants to kill Kagome when she realizes the Shikon has melded with Kagome.
r0o... >_< I don't know how much I can take of waiting anymore..I really would like to know when this fanfic of yours will be updated..I have read this fic for almost 15 times now..I am really interested with the relationship of Inu no Taisho and Inukimi in this fic..hope to know when the new chapters will be posted or if you are still currently reviewing this fic and working on its story line??..Are you still going to continue this fic??..I hope that this fic can be finish.. :-)
Please, please, please update this fic. I really love your work and would really like to see what happens in this story.
This story is really interesting. I just love what you've done with Kagome's character. She retains her personality but has a fierce strong quality to her. I also like that Sesshomaru is more powerful then his father and that whole plot going with Toga, Izayoi, and Sessh's mom. I can't wait to see where this story goes, and seriously hope that you'll come back and update it soon. :-)
I really like your fanfic i so can't wait to read more of it
Just going over some of my favorite stories and I saw this, I re-read all 10 chapters again and remembered how much I loved it, it's very well written and I really want to know how it ends. Are you ever going to finish it? I really hope so. Thanks for writing and sharing such great work! ?
I'm in LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(If you don't contnue I'll set on my minion of you and belive me you relyy don't want that....) Muwahahahahahaha :D
Loved this. I am not so found of InuYasha or his mom though. I can't wait to
see waht happens next. :)
keep it going!
OMG, I hope you keep it going! It's a great story!!
Oh, thanks for telling me about my paragraphs of my fanfiction 'Sesshomaru and His Love,' that seemed like that they were all run together
okay i guess ud ont have a sequel but u need one, it can't jsut end there!
you have a sequel if im not mistake so i'm going to track it down and read it lol really good!
This story is great I hope you finished it, keep it coming.
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