Girl, your writing is amazing! I've been reading your content for almost a year! Please keep writing even if it's to complete only 1 more story. Then let that process keep repeating 1 more time ????
Very interesting story, though I usually only read completed fics I find myself unable to stop from reading this one. I've seen that last update was in January, do you have any plans to complete this fic? I really do hope so, the development between the dragon and shori was very cute, but it of course did not compare to Sesshomaru slowly discovering his feelings toward Kagome. Will he fulfill her debt to the okami or will he be forced to return her once their contract ends? So many questions I'd love to find the answer to by continuing to read through the chapters. I really look forward to what happens next!
Oh boy! I love your story, it's so interesting. I like this new Kagome. OMFG! Sesshomaru is jealous!
Look at all this flirting!!! Love it!
Heck yeah Kagome is much better. But it's okay. Sesshomaru is better too.
Yay! An update! I love this story and how it's unfolding. Kags and Sess need to keep an eye on that guard or he'll likely cause problems... I wonder if Shori realizes the feelings that Kazuhiko has for her? If she also likes him, it would be nice for them to somehow get together even though he's not a Lord or high-ranking. However, I really like the idea of Shori with Lord Ryuji, at least for now. The beginnings of their courtship is so cute and endearing.
It's also interesting to see how Sess is wrestling with his blossoming feelings for Kagome. I wonder how long it'll take him to realize his attraction and be ok with doing something about it?
I love this story and I was so excited to read the update. Kagome is still a peace maker at heart and she did a wonderful job of soothing those daiyokai tempers before they got out of control. This chapter was so rich in descriptions and nuances. I hope that Sh?ri's guard isn't going to do something dreadful. I guess we'll see. Love that the jealousy bug is nibbling at Sesshomaru. Thanks for updating!
Estoy tan feliz de que continúes esta historia!
Me pareció un capitulo precioso.
Sess quiere quedarse con Kag.
OMG you updated thank you.... I so do love this story I am glad the dragon lord decided to tell the truth and Shiori to bring a smile to the dragons face. I think he really does like her. But not more than Sesshomaru liking Kagome... I wonder how he intends to keep her with him.... Can't wait to read more. Happy belated Christmas and New Year....
Omg yes!!! Sooo totally wanting to read more!!! This story is awesome ????
So beautifully written ???? I love it and hope to read more soon
Not gonna lie. I hope this story gets darker. I mean not crazy like I'll be traumatized (my imagination is pretty vivid) but like right on the cusp of written enlightenment. It's been a while since I've been on dokuga, so I clearly missed some things, but whoever you are, I'm glad you're writing. So far your stories have been magnificent in their world-building and character development. Akin to wonderbug and a few others of notable reputation on... well, any and all forums. I've been around the block a few times... circa 2005. You have definitely caught my attention with detail and historical accuracy. I'm in awe. I think darker stories showing humanity's triumphs and failures tend to be the best, and so this I am hoping to see the extent of your writing. I don't even remember if I can favorite or follow your stories, but if I could I would 100x over. Can't wait to see where this goes next. Also, I am SoooooooOOO hoping Kazuhiko gets the girl, cuz I'm always rooting for the underdog. No pun intended.
Bit of a dark chapter. I will also check out your story on the other site! Please update soon!
This story is by far my favorite I love reading about the yokai realm and I am wondering as well how did Kagome get there? I just might have to go back and read from the beginning unless you haven't mentioned that part yet. Who would be killing the young are they kidnapped from the yokai realm? Please update soon I cannot get enough of this story.
As for pink moon observatory well I don't like how the web pages are viewed or how the lay of the story or chapter is... It no where near readable, clickable or arrow pointing as Dokuga and AO3 hopefully they fix some of their content so it not all smashed together. Its how I see it.
Poor Shori, she doesn't seem very happy about this at all. I'm guessing no one has ever asked her what she would like. A courtesy that her brother extended to those who traveled with him. There was a lot going on in this chapter. Typical of males of the time, he would restrict her pet and then made a sideways slam at Sesshomaru for allowing her to have it. Yep, she doesn't like him at all...for all his handsome facade. And, I had wondered if she had feelings for Kazuhiko. Will her brother allow her to " do as she pleases"? Wonderful chapter!
I should have read a few more chapters before commenting on Shori's lack of training. She can obvious hunt for her "pet" LOL! He was impressive. I don't think he will like Lord Ryuji at all. I love that you used the Korean hanbok. I was assigned to Seoul for a year and fell in love with these beautiful traditional outfits. They are the most beautiful colors. I recognized them from your very detailed descriptions. I hope that Sesshomaru is going to bring Shippo home with him. Kagome would love to see him again. I'm surprised he didn't leave with her. It's interesting that Inuyasha asks after Kagome when he sees Sessh. I so enjoyed this chapter, especially their drinking session. Like your other stories, this is beautifully written.
I absolutely adore this story m. Excellent details and dialogue!
Wow, fantastic job. Your writing is strong, detailed, and full of imagery.
Can't believe he hasn't taught her to protect herself. Her mother is a powerful demoness and she didn't insist? Wow! The days with Kagome will be interesting. They are both "birds in a gilded cage". Kindred souls perhaps?
Kagome has indeed, grown up. Nice chapter.
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