I laughed so hard when I read "Sesshomaru's Mobile Day Care" because I pictured a clueless Sesshomaru with a bunch of toddlers running after him.
This story was equal parts amusing and refreshing. And yes, poor Kagome- I understand her pain! I have a pair of nieces who just turned 2 and yes, they act very much like the hanyou twins: adorable one moment- hellions the next. And yes, babies puke: one of my older nieces threw up on me the first time I held her. I'll never let her forget it.
lol classic! gotta love an oblivious yet determined sesshoumaru. and unflappably confident of course XD and the line about it being mostly about the inconvienience was great. kagome is so appropriately indignant but so easily swayed lol. also, i love the reference to his mobile daycare haha. nice work!
OMG that was hilarious! But hey, it all worked out in the end and Kagome decided to give him a chance. Well done, Chie! This oneshot was both funny and sweet. Loved it!
When I started reading this story, I didn't know what to expect and you delivered as always. This was hilarous, from the light hearted way you wrote it, Kagome's thoughts and frustrations and my favourites 'One eternity later, Sesshoumaru pulled away" and '“Are you aware that someone appears to have vomited milk in your hair?”'
This was fun, I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you for sharing.