That ending pain. She's finally hit the point where she'll give birth. Twins like to suprise everyone with, I'm ready! And you obviously aren't ready LOL. And you always have one that feels like it's falling out towards the end. The holding your crotch technique becomes a way of life at the end haha
Hahah oh mama dog. She's going to be overjoyed with pups!
I love Sesshomaru. He did not waste time to get rid of them.
Okay, I'm going to have to agree with Sesshomaru here. He shouldn't have to apologize for what he did. Kagome shouldn't expect him to see things the way she does. She knew from the very beginning the two of them were different and she accepted that. She shouldn't get angry and try to change him and the way he does things.
Of course that argument goes the other way around too, even though I agree with Sesshomaru again when he said Kagome shouldn't have hesitated.
Now that was a confrontation. loved IT!
I have a funny feeling that Kagome is going to have to fight and kill a nasty bitch. Can't wait for more!
Another difference. Kagome showed restraint by holding back because she didn't want to hurt someone possibly innocent. Part of me says that is han, but its its a modern concept. Due punishment as called for, jail time for major crimes. Sesshoumaru is not of her time and likely doesn't share the same beliefs. He feels threatened and does what he must with no holds. Interesting!
Continuing to send tons ofhealing energy and calm patience your way. I know it's so frustrating to be unable to do anything you're used to doing, andhave to lie in bed, in pain. Hang in there! ???
These chapters are interesting. I'm assuming they're a bit of a preview of the sequel. Poor Kagome sure gets called a whore a lot. Sigh, people suck.
Stars are in my eyes.
I hope you are feeling better and healing well.
I finally caught up on this story. I love it so much. Your writing skills are awesome.
I love the interaction between Sesshomaru and Kagome and I love your character development of the two.
I want to read all three of the stories you have planned. The summuries sound intriguing. I don't have a twitter account but I vote for the EPU sequel first, then Heart Song and lastly, Ghost Beacon. lol :)
Get well very soon and keep the chapters coming at your own time.
Excellent work and story!!!
Yessss!!! I'm so excited to see some blood and carnage. Badass Sesshoumaru is just sexy. Can't wait for more pantsying party updates!
Rest as much as you can and feel better. I'm sorry you're going through this.
My glorious mind provided an image of Sesshoumaru in Predator fishnet gear bahaha. Love it though!
Definitely going to want more detail on this situation! Deets! And this was a perfect couple of chapters after a bummer I had today. Thank you.
Oye vey! Time for Sesshoumaru and Kagome to kick some ass! Don't mess with the power couple!
Such tender and sweet moments!
Loved seeing her take charge of household business! And a matong proposal.. Kagome will take people out... Lol! I hope your feeling better!
Misplaced anger is certainly part of it, but I always thought most of Sesshomaru's anger was because his father chose a human lover and sired a hanyou son. Then of course there was that whole issue with Tessaiga.
Kagome loves them both. She has a big heart. Such a lucky man.
Wow. Just wow, never thought of it like that... The sounds of the father.
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