Reviews for Dreaming On by LadyGoshawk

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Rayen (Chapter 31) - Tue 28 May 2024

On my billionth re-read of this Lagy G! Still so amazing. I hope all is well, looking forward to your next update!

L-desu (Chapter 27) - Sat 06 Jan 2024

I absolutely love what you did for Souta!  Go get it baby brother! 

L-desu (Chapter 24) - Fri 05 Jan 2024

Wow, your mastery over Sesshoumaru’s character and soeech is nothing short of awe-inspiring!

Szilvi (Chapter 31) - Mon 29 May 2023


Kérlek folytassa a történetet.

QUEEN_Cypher (Chapter 31) - Sat 11 Mar 2023

I wish can read more.of this story.

Acb6293 (Chapter 1) - Thu 07 Apr 2022

Oh no! Why did I start trading this!? I thought it was complete I wouldn't have it I known it was abandoned ???? now I'm all emotionally invested! I hope you pick back up because you have a great thing going here and it's only been about a year since you posted so please come back!

Mynameishuman (Chapter 31) - Wed 17 Feb 2021

I binge read this story. I'm excited, and awaiting the next update! So well done, and well written. Love it. 

Alma (Chapter 31) - Wed 03 Feb 2021

This is an great read and it just keeps getting better.  I love the twists and turns, your writing it excellant please keep this going.

Alma (Chapter 31) - Wed 03 Feb 2021

This is an great read and it just keeps getting better.  I love the twists and turns, your writing it excellant please keep this going.

KShadeslady (Chapter 31) - Thu 28 Jan 2021

Very nice update. I really like the shifting of power positions and of course, Sotas first battle. Thank you. 

Mecca (Chapter 1) - Thu 28 Jan 2021

Oof, I'm hooked! This is well written and intriguing. I'm curious about her concerned sensei... 

Neelixonee (Chapter 31) - Thu 28 Jan 2021

I love the very last line.  The idea that Sesshoumaru also had a time in his life where he wasn't a 100% badass is endearing as hell.  Go big papa Inu 

Faith (Chapter 31) - Wed 27 Jan 2021

Poor Souta! It's a rough learning curve!


I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see this story updated! I hope you are able to continue it but regardless it will remain on my favourites list even if it's never finished. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

bookgirl813 (Chapter 31) - Tue 26 Jan 2021

Yay, an update!  This was so good. More ominous visions and now the group is on the move. 
I am really enjoying Souta in this story. You rarely ever see him in the Feudal Era and to be dumped in the middle of this unknown while having to learn what he needs to to survive, yeah, he's going to have to get used to it quick. I love that Sesshomaru is being mindful that Souta isn't a seasoned warrior but also respects what the boy has managed to do this far.
Great read!  

bookgirl813 (Chapter 30) - Sun 24 Jan 2021

This fic is EPIC and has all of the makings for amazing potential When you manage to finish it!  You've built up the mystery,  ow. Uilding the team and developing the skills.  Now all we need is the meetin and the battle and all the trappings to go with it!

I really hope that you are well during these uncertain times. COVID and everything going on has a lot of people feeling all sorts of things. Many authors have lost their love to write, while others are finding their muses in other ways. Whatever you may or may not be dealing with, there is no pressure to update. It will come when you're ready. 

Thank you for sharing your gift. 

VS (Chapter 7) - Tue 23 Jun 2020


I just love the pacing of this story. Kagome has a long way to go and you do her all the justice by focusing on the small steps she is able to take! <3 It is a big accomplishment that she's able to talk more about what happened to her and I think it's great that both senseis are supporting her by just listening! Truly listening to someone is so important! And it helps Kagome out like some therapeutic sessions. No nightmares and a good sleep is all she needs right now.

You created with Mori and Aojoka two very interesting OCs. They are funny, caring and super supportive. I like them very much. We all need someone like them in our lifes. 

The dream where she fought alongside Sesshoumaru as well as the kissing was well written. Since Sesshoumaru seemed to have had a similar "dream" I'm curious to find whether this was a coincidence or if they are truly "meeting" each other.

I was surprised to find out that Sesshoumaru has been harbouring feelings for her for such a long time, but waites to let her now. Personally I have a soft stop for the stories where he falls in love first! <3


VS (Chapter 1) - Mon 22 Jun 2020


this was a heart wrenching first chapter! Kagome lost everything and I like the way you portray her stages of grief. Especially the contrast between her catatonic state at the beginning and her relentless drive at the end was well written. Both are extreme paths and not healthy, yet I can understand her need to do something just to be too exhausted to have time to think and to remember.

The dream might have set her back for a moment but in the long run it will help her through her healing process. I wonder what was with Sesshoumaru's saddened look?

Her sensei was encouraging beyond believe and probably the only one that can understand her pain to some degree. Swords play sounds interesting and I'm wondering too why he stopped in his track.


Great start into the story, Goss! <3

hw (Chapter 30) - Mon 11 May 2020

Loving this story! I hope you post more chapters soon!

Elizabeth (Chapter 30) - Tue 31 Mar 2020

This is an amazingly detailed story that goes far above and beyond so many stories I read on here.  I just finished devouring everything for the first time, and may go read it again!  I hope you post more very soon!

KShadeslady (Chapter 30) - Mon 13 Jan 2020

It was so very nice to get an update on this story. They are getting ready for the next battle. 

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