Yes, T was cruel to cut the chapter that way, but I'll take it! Finally her feelings are out in the open and his are reviewed. Or will be next chapter!
Another chapter, wonderfully written and moving the plot along. Love it. I am glad things are getting resolved between the two of them; they are both bad at communication, and it's almost painful to imagine the situation. Weeks without talking between them? Wow.
I look forward to the next update and where things progress. Also, I loved the twist with Shippo and his "other." I didn't see that one coming to be added to the story at all. :)
Sinna~ (Chapter 18) - Tue 20 Dec 2016
Amazing I've been following this story for awhile now and I absolutely love it! I look forward for your next update. :)
Sylvia (Chapter 18) - Tue 20 Dec 2016
awww... They are getting more closer to each other!!! I hope nothing would shatter the peace that they have... <3 Oh, but it would be anitclimatic if nothing was to happen... anyways, great update! looking forward tot he next chapter! hope you and your family have a great christmas and new year!
witty (Chapter 17) - Sun 11 Dec 2016
Interesting premise. I want to like it but there some parts I just can't get into and I feel that the plot moved/is moving a bit too fast. One second Sesshomaru is too aloof(even for him) and the next he's giving her a child? The 'rape' and the fact that she was accepting is too bizarre for me. I commend you and all fanfic writers for having the guts to publish your work but I don't think I'll continue reading.
Oh man. hopefully this baby will be safe with how kagome creates danger >___<
klee (Chapter 17) - Tue 06 Dec 2016
Maybe I'm getting a different understanding than others but it seemed to me that the son wasn't referring to breed. With Kagome in the future but just gaining the experience to learn to care for whatever female he breeds with in the future. At least I hope im right because it seems Kagome views him as a kid. Anyways I really love this story! I would also like to see their offspring as full demon or half at least with some special combination of powers. I think Kagome being stronger than inuyasha played a big role. Keep up the good work and please update soon!
Lorena (Chapter 17) - Tue 06 Dec 2016
Well... color me sad. I'm s bit bummed now, but I'm not sure if I should be. I know Sesshomaru isn't the best with words and even emotions sometimes, and maybe it was more dramatic because we read the reaction to his words from a pregnant woman, but I found myself agreeing with Kagome and sympathizing with her
Marie (Chapter 17) - Tue 06 Dec 2016
I enjoyed the chppie allot. The plot thickens. Kags should keep to herself and do whats neccessary for the pup to be healthy. That big brutt will figure it out later. Hurry and update. Sooooon
I look forward to Mama INu getting to talk with Kagome. Interesting chapter, I love the snowballs catching the boys offguard!
Leticia (Chapter 17) - Tue 06 Dec 2016
Aww poor Kagome but I still want to know what is going to happen
Wonderful chapter and getting more intriguing with almost every chapter. I love your writing style and you write so beautifully.
So Katai is planning on breeding with Kagome...this is bizzare, does he realize that she is aging like any other human? I wonder why he would want to do something like that in the first place and neither his father said anything to him about that statement and I don't think Kagome heard him straight or just missed what he proclaimed all together. I thought Katai saw Kagome as a mother figure not as a potential breeding partner. Where did this all come from?
I think Sessho has some what of a little bit of feelings for Kagome and she may feel her maternal instincts toward Katai. She seems to already sees him like a son to her. I hope Kagome has a full blooded pup although her first pup with Inuyasha I think was human because she may had gotten pregnant on his full moon night when he is human. I'm not sure about this because I got the impression that the child was human. She is strong and Sessho is a strong inuyoukai so there may be a probability if she is suppose to be a strong priestess; if she would just get over her emotional weaknesses.
It will all get figured out in the end, it's getting there is where the fun comes in at. Looking forward to more updates soon. Excellent job.
Que buen capítulo!! Ojalá actualices pronto el siguiente, muero por leerlo!! :)
Ree-san (Chapter 17) - Mon 05 Dec 2016
It's certainly interesting, but I think Kagome is being a little foolish. Yes, she was hurt in the past. But, he has never misled her and has doted on her. She only just starting thinking about her feelings herself, it's unfair to require that he follow the same timeline of feelings that she does. I hope she realizes that. Besides, he is pissed!
Another great chapter! Had me feeling emotional at the end. Poor Kagome hopefully he proves her wrong. Anxiously waiting your next update!!!
Did I read that right? Katai intends to have Kagome bear him a child? This is just bizzare, but I am enjoying the story.
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