I know many have asked this and I just haven't had the time to read all the responses like I'm so prone to doing. Reviews are very inspiring to the writer and well, to me too. I enjoy reading what they thing about the stories they read probably not as much as you but...
Are you going to bring our future Kagome and Sesshoumaru into this fic? I read where you said there may be milestones instead of yearly visits so not to drag the story on and maybe lose readers I assume...will they meet and perhaps Kagome will have forgetten for some reason or perhaps Sesshoumaru? Just curious. I'm a terribly curious person, much like a kitten who has to know what everything is and means.
I am so hooked on this. I love the growing relationship as a friendship that means enough tot hem both, especially Seshoumaru that he awaits her birthday and counts the days so he can now meet here at the well to greet her. This is just so very sweet.
I don't know where you get your so many gifted ides from, but I am glad that you do. Your talent will only get better as time goes on and if by chance if ever you may feel that you want to give up, please think to message me and allow me to tell just how talented and blessed you
With great admiration,
I bow respectfully, your fan
Tana_san, alias JEN
I love how she feels for him. Almost as if she wants to protect him. Love this story. I'm glad your better.
I can't wait when Kagome grow up! I wonder what will happen between them. Look forward to the next chapt!
Glad to hear your alright. Good chap
Staaaaph the feels! T.T
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